Bishop Jovan served in the church of St. Joanikije of Devic in Bresnica
4. Март 2021 - 16:48
On Wednesday, March 3, 2021, on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son and on the feast of the Holy Lion of Rome and Saint Flavian of Constantinople, His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadia, served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of St. Joanikije of Devic in the Kragujevac neighborhood of Bresnica.
The bishop was assisted by archpriest Sasa Antonijevic, priest Milos Djuric and deacon of Belosevac's Lazarica Nemanja Stojkovic. Archpriest Dragoslav Milovan and Mr. Strahinja Savkovic sang responses.
Source: Diocese of Sumadia