Number of Christian in Africa has grown 70 times in last 100 years
2. Мај 2011 - 11:14
According to the research of Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, in last 111 years he religious landscape of sub-Saharan Africa has changed dramatically. As of 1900, both Muslims and Christians were relatively small minorities in the region. The vast majority of people practiced traditional African religions, while adherents of Christianity and Islam combined made up less than a quarter of the population.
Day of Slavic writing celebrated in Russia, abroad
25. Мај 2011 - 10:21The celebration of the Day of Slavic Writing opened with the patriarch's liturgy in the Kremlin Uspensky Cathedral on Tuesday. The service was followed by a religious procession from Red Square to Vasilyevsky Spusk, where Patriarch Kirill officially opened the annual festival. A big festival was also held there.
The Day of Slavic Writing, celebrated on May 24, is associated with the memory of St. Cyril and Methodius, who created the Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospels into Old Slavonic. The holiday was celebrated in Russia on an official level from the middle of the 19th century until the 1917 revolution. The Day of Slavic Writing has been celebrated in contemporary Russia for over 20 years.
Atlas of Orthodox Churches of America published
7. Јун 2011 - 12:52
The famous historian of Orthodoxy in the USA, Mr. Alexey Krindach, wrote a book which holds information on all Orthodox churches in America - Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Churches.
The book has many maps and consists of details from modern life of the churches of various jurisdictions. Furthermore, the books has also the informations on all monastic communities on the territory of North America.
Russian exhibition opens in Mexico
16. Мај 2011 - 11:28
An exhibition of Russian icons and photographs opened its doors in the Mexican city of Toluki on Thursday in an event that coincided with the 65th birthday of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill.
Earlier, Metropolitan Antony of Mexico, Venezuela and the Caribbean, for his part, expressed hope that the exhibition will help Mexicans get a better understanding of Russian spiritual culture.
„Green Patriarch“
8. Јун 2011 - 13:48
His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on May 2, 2011 joined the excursion of the Orthodox youth in Turkey, accompanying young secondary pupils and students until the lake Sapanza in the area of ancient Nicomedia. After the stroll and joint lunch, young received besides gifts also Patriarchal blessing and a moral that faith in resurrected Lord should be a foundation of life of each Christian, as well as preserving God's creation should be concern of all people.