Serbian Patriarch receives Secretary General of the World Muslim League

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej received His Excellency Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade on 6 February 2020.

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch welcomed the Secretary-General of the World Muslim League (رابطة العالم الاسلامي , Rabitat al-Alam al-Islami) Sheikh al-Issa at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade with welcoming words, expressing joy over the visit that fosters cooperation between Orthodox Christian and Muslim religious dignitaries.

Ten thousands citizens of Pljevlja in the 18th procession

In Pljevlje on 6 February 2020 for the 18th time there was a prayerful procession of faithful people who express their dissatisfaction and protest over the adoption of the unjust Law on Freedom of Religion, passed late last year in the Parliament of Montenegro.

At first, there was a prayer of supplication in the church of Saint Petka and after that there was a procession, in which ten thousand citizens of Pljevlja led by His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Milesevo walked through the streets of this city on the River Breznica.

Hierarch of Serbian Orthodox Church speaks on situation in Montenegro

Bishop Jovan of Pakrac and Slavonia has given an interview to the Republic of Srpska television on the latest events in Montenegro.

After dealing in detail with the close historic relationship of the modern Montenegro state ideology with Ustashism, the hierarch criticized the policy of today’s Montenegro authorities and a discriminatory law they have adopted on freedom of faith calling it “a totalitarian law that actually gives itself and the state a right to evaluate what belongs to the state and what can remain in the Church”.

Saint Sava celebration in Portland, Oregon & Support of our Church in Montenegro

Saint Sava celebration in Portland, Oregon & Support of our Church in Montenegro
Saint Sava celebration in Portland, Oregon & Support of our Church in Montenegro
Saint Sava celebration in Portland, Oregon & Support of our Church in Montenegro
Saint Sava celebration in Portland, Oregon & Support of our Church in Montenegro

On Sunday February 2nd, 2020 our parish celebrated the glorious feast of St. Sava. After the Slava bread blessing, our parish children performed a lovely program in honor of St. Sava.

The whole parish gave also spiritual support towards all brothers and sisters in Montenegro who are protesting since weeks against an unjust discriminatory law against our Church in Montenegro. Our heart is filled with pride and love for the thousands of people who are trying peacefully to convince the government to discuss and to withdraw this unjust and nowhere existing discriminatory law against only the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro.

Saint Sava Day in Jackson

Saint Sava Day in Jackson
Saint Sava Day in Jackson
Saint Sava Day in Jackson
Saint Sava Day in Jackson

Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Jackson, California, celebrated the feast day of its patron saint for the 125th time. The church was full with faithful, who were blessed by visit and service of the diocesan deacon Vladan Radovanović and his family. The Rice family were the Kumovi of this year’s celebration and prepared a delicious meal and thoughtful gifts for youth and children, who prepared a wonderful and educative program. All together, it was yet another memorable day in the rich history of this parish, as a foretaste of the Day Everlasting.