Beginning of the school year in the Seminary of Prizren
6. Септембар 2019 - 13:24On Sunday, 1 September 2019, a new school year in the renovated Seminary of Sts. Kyrill and Methodius in Prizren(est. 1871) solemnly began.
Gathered with the blessing of the Holy Spirit, professors and students, with guests and citizens of Prizren, headed by Archimandrite Mihailo (Tosic), abbot of the monastery of Holy Archangels, attended the Divine Liturgy in the church of Holy Great Martyr George in Prizren.
In the glory of the victims of Ustasha crimes at Stari Brod at the Drina
6. Септембар 2019 - 13:05
Stari Brod at the Drina river is the place of a historical crime of genocide which was performed by Croatian-moslem Ustashas over the Serbian people in 1942.
Namely, realizing that the Serbian uprising of freedom and resistance to the Ustasha regime was expanding and that it couldnot be stopped by repressive measures, the Government of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), under the leadership of the war criminal Ante Pavelic, decided to ethnically cleanse all Eastern Bosnia, modeled after Austro-Hungary’s cleansing of 1915, especially the areas along the Drina river (Podrinje). It was decided that Ustasha colonel Jure Francetic, with the aid of the Muslim militia should cleanse Eastern Bosnia from the Serbs. Francetic designed the operation in January-February 1942 and launched it in early March 1942 with the aim that the remaining Serbs from Sarajevo and Sarajevo Polje, from the municipalities of Pale, Sokolac, Olovo, Han Pijesak, Vlasenica, Rogatica, Trnovo and the entire Central Podrinje be exterminated or expelled.
His Holiness the Patriarch released from hospital treatment
6. Септембар 2019 - 11:00His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej was released from hospital treatment at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade in the morning of August 6, 2019.
Celebration of the Jubilee of the Serbian Church in Australia
6. Септембар 2019 - 10:55The central celebration of the 800 years of the autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church and 70th anniversary of the organized life of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand will be held on 7 September 2019 on the property of the Saint Sava College in Varroville, Sidney.
Very Venerable Archimandrite Metodije, abbot of the Chilandar Monastery, was solemnly welcomed at the Sidney Airport on 4 September 2019. Doxology was served in the church of Holy Prince Lazar in Alexandria, during which His Grace Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand addressed the abbot of Chilandar.
Bishop Andrej payed a visit to Bishop of the Coptic Church in Austria
4. Септембар 2019 - 11:46
Meeting of Serbian Bishop Andrej of Austria-Switzerland and Coptic Bishop for Austria and Northern Switzerland Mar Anba Gabriel took place in Vienna
On the feast day of Holy Martyr Hippolytus of Rome, His Grace Bishop Andrej of Austria-Switzerland, escorted by secretary f. Filip Milunovic, arrived to the residence of the Coptic Diocese for Austria and Northern Switzerland in Obersiebenbrunn in Northern Austria.