On the occasion of the birthday of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch

The Biography of His Holiness

His Holiness Patriarch Irinej (Gavrilovic) of Serbia was born in the village of Vidova, near town of Cacak, Serbia, on 28 August, 1930. His baptismal name is Miroslav. He finished elementary school in his village, and later on high school in Cacak. Thereupon he enrolled and completed Theological Seminary in Prizren, Kosovo and Metochia, and graduated at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade. Upon graduation, he did his army service for a year and a half. The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church appointed him a professor of the Prizren Theological Seminary, but before assuming this assignment he was tonsured by the late Serbian Patriarch Herman (German) and got the monastic name Irinej, at the Rakovica monastery near Belgrade in October 1959.

27 years of episcopal ministry of His Grace Pahomije

27 years of episcopal ministry of  His Grace Pahomije
27 years of episcopal ministry of  His Grace Pahomije
27 years of episcopal ministry of  His Grace Pahomije
27 years of episcopal ministry of  His Grace Pahomije

On the feast of Holy Martyr and Archdeacon Laurentius, 23 August 2019, the 27th anniversary of consecration and enthronement of His Grace Bishop Pahomije of Vranje was marked.

Bishop Pahomije of Vranje officiated the Liturgical celebration in the monastery of Venerable Prohor of Picnja with the concelebration of clergy, monks and faithful people of God in the Diocese of Vranje. During the Holy Liturgy, Bishop promoted synchellos Jovan into an  abbot of the monastery of Holy Prophet Elijah near Bosilegrad, while Rev. Aleksandar Krstic was ordained to the rank of presbyter.

Transfiguration in Philadelphia: Our Church and our Children

 Transfiguration in Philadelphia: Our Church and our Children
 Transfiguration in Philadelphia: Our Church and our Children
 Transfiguration in Philadelphia: Our Church and our Children
 Transfiguration in Philadelphia: Our Church and our Children

On Sunday August 18 the children of St. Nicholas Church school in Philadelphia gathered to prepare the church for the feast of Our Lord’s Transfiguration.

They prepared the grapes that would be blessed on the Feast day shaping them beautifully in the shape of our Precious, Lifesaving Cross.

Magnificent celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Sarajevo

Magnificent celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Sarajevo
Magnificent celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Sarajevo
Magnificent celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Sarajevo
Magnificent celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Sarajevo

The magnificent  church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in New Sarajevo - Pofalici was consecrated in 1939 by Serbian Patriarch Gavrilo (Dozic), Saint Peter of Dabar-Bosnia and Saint Nicholas of Serbia.  

Since the then Transfiguration until today, whole eighty years, that pearl among sanctities of Sarajevo still rings. It was also this year 2019, when His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostomo f Dabar-Bosnia celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy.