Second Week of St. Sava Camp in Session
26. Јул 2012 - 12:08The 2012 camp season at St. Sava Camp in Shadeland, Pa officially began on Sunday, July 15, 2012 with over 70 children in attendance. As every week, the children come from all over to attend St. Sava Camp. There were children from New York, Georgia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio and Windsor, Canada. V. Rev. Stavrophor Rodney Torbic and V. Rev. Milovan Katanic were the clergy assigned the first week.
Currently, the second week is in session with Rev. Miladin Blagojevic, Rev. Dragoslav Kosic and Protodeacon Milan Medakovic assigned as clergy.
Orthodox Youth Fest on Golija
26. Јул 2012 - 12:01The First Orthodox Youth Fest on Golija organized on July 24, 2012at the newly consecrated monastery of St. Sava, gathered a large number of boys and girls from Herzegovina and Niksic.
Feast of Icon of the Three-handed Theotokos in Belgrade
26. Јул 2012 - 11:01His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served yesterday on July 25, 2012 the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the court yard of the side chapel of the Icon of the Three-handed Theotokos in a village of Drobnjaci near Belgrade, with the concelebration of priests of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon visits Decani Monastery and Cathedral church of St. George in Prizren
26. Јул 2012 - 10:12Decani - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon with his spouse and associates visited on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 within his one-day visit to Kosovo and Metohia the Decani Monastery. The distinguished guest was welcomed by heugomen of the monastery archimandrite Sava with hieromonk Petar and nun Nifonta. After he learned about the history of the monastery and the visit to the church UN Secretary General with his delegation had a talk with archimandrite Sava and Decani monks.
Monastery of Veselinje: Serbian Patriarch Irinej consecrates memorial church in glory and honour of the Glamoc hieromartyrs
25. Јул 2012 - 11:51On Sunday, 7th after the Pentecost, on July 22 2012, on the day of the memory of hieromartyrs of Glamoc Sima and Mirko, hieromartyr Pancratius and Saint Theodor, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, upon the invitation of His Grace Bishop Hrizostom of Bihac-Petrovac came to the monastery of Veselinje in the village of Vrba near Glamoc.