The Eulogy from Bishop Maxim at the funeral of Hierarch Atanasije in the Trebinje Cathedral
7. Март 2021 - 11:55The Bread of Life, New Pascha and the Land of the Living: The Eulogy from Bishop Maxim at the funeral of Hierarch Atanasije in the Trebinje Cathedral, March 6th, 2021
Gospel of St. John 6:48-54: “I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die.” If we ask ourselves which gospel words best fit this liturgical commemoration in front of the coffin of the unforgettable Bishop Atanasije, then these are precisely the words of the Lord from today’s Gospel.
Farewell speech of the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije at the funeral of Bishop Atanasije (Jevtic) of blessed repose
7. Март 2021 - 14:06
With the blessing of the Patriarch, the letter was read by His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia.
Brothers archbishops, priests, monks and nuns, faithful people of Saint Sava‘s Herzegovina and all of you, brothers and sisters from various Serbian areas: from Kosovo to Jadovno, from Thessaloniki to Buda, wherever there are Serbian birds, arrived in Trebinje and the Tvrdos monastery to see off our father and Bishop Atanasije on the way from death to life. To eternal life! Even more - countless more - are ourselves who are in the spirit with you and grieve that we cannot receive the last blessing and the last kiss to give. Among them are me, once young and ignorant, and the bishop would say an unknown student of the first year of theology. But - his student, which I am infinitely proud of, and my heart is full when I say it or think about it, and I trust many bishops, priests, monks, who were his students, who listened to him at the faculty in those old years, at public lectures in Belgrade, and also those who serve the Church as lay people, and on Sundays and holidays they flocked to the Vavedenje monastery, where he, together with wonderful professors, served our fathers Amfilohije and Irinej and opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven to us on earth.
The Liturgy in the chapel of the Patriarchal Residence
8. Март 2021 - 15:01His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the chapel of the Patriarchal Residence in Belgrade on 7 March 2021, on Meatfare Sunday.
KUD Drina celebrates Feast day - Saint George of Kratovo
10. Март 2021 - 21:53On Sunday, March 7th, 2021, the folk ensemble Drina of Saint John the Baptist parish in Paterson, New Jersey celebrated their Feast Day – Slava of Saint George of Kratovo. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was officiated by His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America. His Grace was joined in concelebration by the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Djokan Majstorovic, Rev. Presbyter Lavrentije (Larry) Soper, and Protodeacon Milos Zdralic.
Liturgical gathering in the Samograd monastery
10. Март 2021 - 19:45On the feast day of the First and Second Finding of the Head of Saint John the Baptist, on 9 March 2021, the clergy and monastics of the Diocese of Budimlje-Niksic served the Holy Liturgy in the Samograd Monastery.