New church in Mujidzic
15. Новембар 2011 - 13:00A village of Mujidzic, located on the banks of the river Janj, with the blessing of His GRace Bishop Hrizostom, this year is building a second church. The first was demolished a long ago by Hungarians, and this second is being built at the joy of all residents of Mujidzic. His Grace Bishop Hrizostom visited the construction spot in Mujidzic on Saturday, November 12 and saw the works.
Eastern Diocese Holds Annual Clergy Seminar
15. Новембар 2011 - 13:00His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan has been consistent in holding seminars for clergy of the Eastern American Diocese as a form of continuing education. Clergy at all levels of education and experience are required to keep abreast of contemporary societal issues and gather to collectively reflect on matters of importance in parish life.
Anniversary of the consecration of the church of Theotokos in Buenos Aires
15. Новембар 2011 - 12:01On Sunday, September 12, 2011 on the feast day of Holy Martyrs Zenobia and Zenobius, Venerable Teoctista (king Dragutin) and Jelena, the Righteous king Milutin and martyr Barnabas of Hvosno, in the church of the Nativity of Most Holy Theotokos in Buenos Aires was celebrated 16 years since the consecration of this church by the service of then competent bishop for the parishes of the Serbian Orthodox Church in South America, His Grace Bishop Mitrofan of East America.