Patriarch Porfirije meets with President Vucic
25. Фебруар 2021 - 15:49His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch met with the President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Aleksandar Vucic in the building of the Presidency of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade, on February 24, 2021.
After the meeting with Patriarch Porfirije, President Aleksandar Vucic said that they discussed all important issues in the relations between the state and the Church and that he informed the new primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church about all key issues of importance for the state of Serbia, which are without a doubt, and of great importance to the Church. The Patriarch Porfirije said: - Only through dialogue and conversation can we get to know each other and create preconditions for overcoming temptations and misunderstandings.
Patriarch Porfirije: Death - the only unnatural thing in our existence
27. Фебруар 2021 - 16:02
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch served a funeral service for Milivoje Srbljan, a long-term important member of the Choir of the Cathedral church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on February 26, 2021.
The late Milivoje, who, after a long and severe illness, fell asleep in the Lord on February 23, was, for more than thirty years, one of the most active members of the Choir of the Church of the Transfiguration in Zagreb. Along with Milivoj, the backbone of the choir all those years, there were also his three children: Snjezana, Aleksandar and Ivana. The eldest daughter, Ivana Srbljan, a soloist at the Rijeka Opera, has been the conductor of this singing society for many years, with a tradition of more than 140 years.
Bitola: Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
24. Фебруар 2021 - 16:37
On Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee His Beatitude Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje Kyr Jovan attended the Holy Liturgy in the Stauropegic monastery of Saint John Chrysostom in Bitola.
+ Protodeacon Triva Pavlov (1951-2021)
23. Фебруар 2021 - 13:49Dear Brethren,
Our most beloved Protodeacon Triva Pavlov (Tom Paul) reposed in the Lord yesterday evening, on the feast day of the Meeting of the Lord. It is the day when we commemorate a wondrous meeting of an old, righteous man and prophet Simeon and baby Jesus Christ, whom Joseph and Mary brought to the Temple to offer thanksgiving to God for the child born 40 days ago. The day before, on Sunday and his name day Saint Trifun/Tryphon, Fr Triva received Holy Communion and was ready to meet his and our Lord. He dedicated to God his whole life and now with the righteous Simeon he can sing the hymn: “Lord, let now Thy servant depart in peace according to Thy word, for my eyes have seen Thy salvation which Thou has prepared before the face of all people – a light to enlighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of Thy people Israel.”
Monastery Slava in Escondido, California
23. Фебруар 2021 - 13:43In anticipation of the feast of the Meeting of the Lord our monastery in Escondido, just north of San Diego, celebrated its Monastery Slava. Unfortunately His Grace our bishop Maxim was unable to attend as he is in Serbia awaiting the Sabor on Thursday to elect the new patriarch. We had a beautiful liturgy nonetheless. If you’re ever in this area be sure to visit The Meeting of the Lord Monastery in Escondido.