Patriarch Irinej serves in Vavedenje Monastery
17. Август 2011 - 13:06His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served on Sunday, August 14 2011 the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Vavedenje Monastery beginning at 9 a.m.
Camp Gracanica 2011 season finishes
16. Август 2011 - 14:57On July 30th, another successful season of Camp Gracanica came to an end. The camp opened on July 3rd. The theme of this season was Temples of the Holy Spirit. Along with the usual socializing and entertainment activities,campers attended classes and discussions where we learned that each one of us is a temple of the Holy Spirit and how we ought to live in order to make ourselves worthy of such a blessing and a privilege.
Diocesan Day in Shadeland
11. Август 2011 - 10:38The 2011 St. Sava Camp season came to a close on Sunday, August 7, 2011 with the traditional Shadeland Picnic in conjunction with Diocesan Day.
Celebration of Saint Angelina on Fruska Gora
15. Август 2011 - 15:34In an uninterrupted continuity our Holy Church for five thousand years prayerfully remembers Saint Angelina of Serbia. Also this year, in front of her holy relics under the arches of the monastery Krusedol numerous people gathered with their priests and monks to receive her blessing.
Eight anniversary of suffering of Serbian boys in Gorazdevac
15. Август 2011 - 14:17The memoral service in the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and visiting the graves on August 13, 2011 in Gorazdevac the eight anniversary since the attack of Albanian extremists in which, on the bank of the Bistrica river, two Serbian boys were killed.