Liturgy in the church of Ressurection of Christ in Valjevo
1. Август 2011 - 12:14In the church of Ressurection of Christ in Valjevo, on Sunday of Holy Fathers of the Sixth Ecumenical Assembly, His Grace Bishop Milutin of Valjevo served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of priests of this church, protosyngellos Nikodim (Bogosavljevic), hierodecaon Siluan (Mrakic) - deacon of Bishop of Valjevo and deacon Dejan Tripkovic, secretary of Bishop of Valjevo.
Bishop Teodosije serves Liturgy in Zvecani
1. Август 2011 - 11:30Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren served yesterday the Divine Liturgy in the church of St.George the Great Martyr in Zvecan. Bishop Teodosije was concelebrated by priesthood of the hierarchal regency of Mitrovica, and at the Divine Liturgy about hundred believers participated from Zvecani and area. Bishop Teodosije, who has been present in a last couple of days on the north of Kosovo, visited people who took parti in the peaceful protests.
Seventy years since brutal massacre in Glina's church
1. Август 2011 - 11:17On the occasion of seventy years since the massacre in Glina's church, His Grace Bishop Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the relocated Glina's church and then also a memorial service on the place of the former church where innocent Orthodox Serbs were killed by criminal hands, with the concelebration of protopresbyter-staurophor Petar Lukic, head of the Cathedral church in Belgrade, presbyter Slavko Sarac of Petrinje and presbyter Slobodan Drakulic, Glina's parish priest.
70 years since the genocide in the Independant State of Croatia
30. Јул 2011 - 12:41The members of the association St. Margaret of Livanj and SNS Prebilovci together with compatriots and relatives of Serbian New Martyrs gathered today in the Belgrade church of St. Mark to prayerfully mark the 70th anniversary of suffering, the most terrible pogrom and genocide of the Serbian Orthodox people on territories of Herzegovina, Banija, Lika, Kordun, Dalmatia, Slavonia...
St. Gabriel the Archangel solemnly welcomed in Zemun
29. Јул 2011 - 14:30In St. Gabriel the Archangel in Zemun the Patron Saint's Day of this holy family. The Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served with the blessing of His Grace Vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno with the concelebration of the priesthood of churches of Zemun. After the Holy Liturgy, Bishop Atanasije cut the slava cake which was prepared this year by presbyter Nebojsa Topolic with family.