“Upon this rock I will build my Church…”
Diocesan Bishops, Clergy, Church School Congregation, Circles of
Serbian Sisters, Fraternal Organizations, Folklore groups, Church
Choirs and to all sons and daughters of the Serbian Orthodox Church in
America and Canada
behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Mission Parish of the Holy Apostle and
Evangelist Luke from Austin, TX, we are kindly asking for your urgent
assistance and help. Our mission parish was founded in October 2008.
its founding the faithful of our parish, together with their spiritual
leader Protoprezbiter Stavrophor Fr. Dragoljub Popovich have been
gathering for services in various churches of orthodox jurisdictions
and lately, when available, we have been celebrating the Divine Liturgy
on a boat on Lake Travis. The need for regular divine services is
enormous; however, possibilities of finding a permanent place of
worship are fairly slim. Having in mind that most of our parishioners
are newcomers from our fatherland as well as that their income is
modest, they still have expressed their desire to have our own place of
worship and are willing to support the Church ministry through the
means of a Christian Stewardship.
some time now, we have been actively searching for a parcel of land
with a building on it which we could adapt with relatively small
investment and use for the Divine Services and other needs of parish.
By the mercy of God, a few weeks ago we found a 5 acre parcel of land
with a large 1 story house of approximately 4,000 sq. ft. The house can
easily be converted for church use. The location is very convenient to
all of our parishioners and the potential for future growth of our
parish is great. Nonetheless, even though our desires are strong, our
financial means are modest, and we are not able to purchase this
beautiful property on our own. Due to a lack of credit history there is
no financial institution that is willing to loan us the necessary funds
without us putting down at least 25% of the price.
piety we are kindly beseeching the blessings from our Hierarchs, with
brotherly love I am greeting you my dear brothers in the Lord, and
asking for your continuing prayers and support among your entrusted
SISTERS for your prayers and assistance, because we know that you were,
you are and always you will be the most important pillars of our Holy
Church School Congregation, every Parish Priest, every Circle of
Serbian Sisters, Every Fraternal Organization should participate in
this God-given opportunity. To give means to receive. So, please do not
procrastinate, but immediately after reading this appeal, open the
doors of your hearts and with gratitude give back in return to the
Lord, for all goods He has been giving you daily. Tell your friends and
relatives about this, spread the word, be an active part of this
mission. Please remember that God loves a cheerful giver. Let us not
forget that we are only temporary stewards of all goods that God has
entrusted to us, and in reality nothing belongs to us. Through the last
prayer of the Divine Liturgy we confirm this by praying: "...For all good
giving, and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from You
the Father..."
Please write your check to Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke and send your gifts to:
Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke
C/O Fr. Dragoljub Popovich
1211 Sedona
Leander, TX 78641
May the Grace, mercy and peace of our Lord be upon all of you.
Prayerfully and forever grateful,
Very Rev. Stavrophor Fr. Dragoljub Popovich
Parish Priest, and President Ex Officio of the Board of Trustees
Branko Milanovich
1st Vice President
Dragoljub Popovich has organized and has been serving in this parish
since June of 2008 absolutely free of charge to the parish and without
any financial support or other beneficences.
Source: www.serborth.org