20th Triennial Church Assembly/Sabor - Day Three
The final
day of the Assembly, Thursday August 13, began with the celebration of the
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. The Liturgy was concelebrated by all the hierarchs
present: His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of Libertyville and Chicago, His
Grace Bishop Georgije of Canada, His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and
the Midwest, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America, His Grace Bishop
Mark of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest of the Antiochian Orthodox
Archdiocese, and His Grace Bishop Maxim of Western America.
A large number of
clergy and delegates received the Holy Eucharist. Responses were sung by a
clergy choir directed by V. Rev. Milos Vesin.
Following breakfast the fifth plenary session began, with consideration of
legislative matters. A number of minor revisions to the Constitution were
considered. These changes were meant to bring certain phrases and terminology
into conformity with the administrative reorganization approved by the Holy
Assembly of Bishops in May.
After a very thorough discussion and a number of
revisions, the changes were accepted as amended.
Following lunch the final plenary session began. The previous Central Church
Council was released from its duties with thanks for its service, and the new
Central Church Council was elected pursuant to the votes of the Diocesan
caucuses and was sworn in.
Several Sabor resolutions were presented and
adopted, which will be published in the near future.
A number of concerns and matters were brought up and discussed under miscellaneous,
with a number of motions made and voted.
The Sabor concluded with the singing of the hymn "We Praise Thee O God."
Following vespers Sabor participants enjoyed followship at a concluding
banquet. A greeting to the Sabor was read from His Eminience Metropolitan
Amphilochije on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle and the entire Mother Church.
Full details of the Sabor will be published in upcoming issues of the Path
of Orthodoxy.
Source: www.serborth.org