Minister awards for exellence in student achievement 2008
The Annual Minister's Awards for
excellence in student achievement, organized by the NSW Community Languages
Schools Board were held at University
of New South Wales in Kensington, on Friday night the 5th September 2008. The NSW Community Languages Schools Board and the Department of Education, each
year for the past 5 years, awarded students in recognition for their language
achievement at their community languages school. There are currently 49 languages being taught across 487 NSW languages schools
and there are over 30,000 students studying each year.
For the Annual Minister's Awards for excellence in student achievement, each
school can nominate only one student from junior category and one student from
senior category (over 13 you). There are only 10 Minister Awards given out each year, 5 for junior category
and 5 for senior categories. The rest of nominations get either a: Highly commended
award (about 80) and the rest receive either a Commended award or a Merit. This year the Board accepted 310 nominations out of more than 30,000
students across NSW. In recognition for their language achievement at the
Serbian Sunday school "Vuk Karadzic" in Cabramatta, two students were recently
honored with an award by the NSW Minister of Education and Training:
1. Aleksandra Knezevic received the Highly Commended Award in
the senior section.
2. Dragoljub Paunovic received the prestigious "Minister
award" in the junior section, one of only 5 awarded.
Both students are from Serbian school "Vuk Karadzic" at the Serbian Orthodox
church "St George" in Cabramatta and their Teacher is Mrs. Sladjana Nikolis.
The awards where given out by the guest speakers the Hon
Virginia Judge MP (who represented the NSW Minister of Education and Training),
and Mrs. Edna McGill, Chair of the Board and other Board members.
Among the VIP and honorable guests in attendance where, His Grace Bishop
Irinej, Father Djuro Djurdevic , Mr. Rajko Ignjatic, Mr. Tihomir Novakovic and
other distinguished guests that represented either the Serbian School "Vuk
Karadzic", Serbian Orthodox Church "St George " Cabramatta, or Serbian Sports
Club Bonnyrigg.
This year, congratulations must go to Mrs. Sladjana Nikolis, who wrote a
special request to the Community Languages Board, to also allow the Serbian
folklore group to dance in the only performance item of the Award night.
Her request was granted and the Folklore from Serbian Sports club performed a
special 10min dance under the choreography of the very talented Mr. Goran
Nikolic. Also a special place was given to 11 y.o. Tamara Tamaburic who opened
the Awards by singing the Australian National Anthem.
All in all, the ceremony for 2008 was dominated by the Serbain community.
Between other award reciepints, were a few other Serbian children from other
Serbian Schools.
They were:
1.Nikol Knezevic- Highly Commended- (junior)
2.Ivan Gojkovic- Commended- (senior)
3.Sanja Subotic- Commended-(junior)
Ivan Gojkovic and Sanja Subotic are from Serbian school at the Serbian Orthodox
Church "St. Sava" on Elanora Heights.
Congratulations, to all the hard-working teachers, students, dancers and their