First Confession in Steelton Parish

First Confession in Steelton Parish

During the 2013 season of Great Lent, young students of the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Steelton, PA,  prepared for their First Holy Confession.

A special vesper service was scheduled on the Eve of St. Lazarus and the children listened as our spiritual leader, Very Reverend Stavrofor Father Srboljub Jockovic discussed the importance of repentance through the parables of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector, the Publican & the Pharisee and the Prodigal Son.

Afterward each child received their individual First Holy Confession with Father Srboljub and on Lazarus Saturday they received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Following Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday, the students were presented with a blessed icon to commemorate this meaningful event.

Church school students who received their First Holy Confession: Cameron Barber, Victorian Fithian, Michael Geppert III, Faith Kingsbury, Sophia Mummert, Kobe Petrovich, Anastasija Vukalo, and Daniel Zaitsev
