Reliquary with portion of relics of Saint John Of Shanghai to be brought to Yoshkar-ola

Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco was canonized relatively recently, on July 2, 1994. But in less than 20 years hundreds of people were healed from different diseases by his holy relics. Every request found its response through a prayer to the Holy Hierarch. Even in his lifetime the Holy Hierarch excelled in special spiritual gifts from God: clairvoyance, the ability to heal people, to see a person's secret need. After his repose, great miracles have been occuring from his relics, witnessed by our contemporaries.

As part of the international youth educational program, "Spiritual link", a reliquary with a portion of the saint's relics will be brought to Yoshkar-Ola (the capital of republic of Mari El in Russia), reports the website of the Diocese of Yoshkar-Ola.

An extensive cultural-educational program for the youth will also be organized during the stay of the relics: seminars, lectures, master classes, and many other events will be held.

The meeting of the relic will take place on November 14, at 8.00, in the Ascension Cathedral of the city of Yoshkar-Ola.
