St. Hieromartyr Djordje Bogic

Hieromartyr Georgije - Djordje Bogic, Parish Priest of Nasice Djordje was born in Pakrac on February 6, 1911. He completed lowergrade Grammar school in Nova Gradiska, and the Seminary in Sarajevo.

On May 25, 1934, Djordje was ordained in Pakrac. Djordje had performed his duties in the parishes of Majar and Bolmace, wherefrom he was moved to Nasice where he happened to be at the moment of the beginning of World War II.

His afflictions were recorded in the book Magnum Crimen written by Viktor Novak (Zagreb 1948, pages 641-642): In the night of June 17, 1941, Feliks Lahner, a milkman from Nasice, barged with two Ustase into priest Bogic's apartment and ordered him to come with them immediately so as to question him. Bogic obeyed their order and got into the car waiting in front of his apartment and was taken towards some field. Djordje was brought to a grazing field, out of Nasice, near the Chapel of St. Martin, and was killed there. Before dying, Djordje had endured great suffering. The Ustase tied him to a tree, cut off his ears, nose, and tongue and tore his beard together with the skin. After that they picked his eyes out, thereat swearing at him viciously. In the end, one Ustasa cut his chest and belly open, took out Djordje's intestines, and wrapped them around his neck. Only then had priest Bogic completely collapsed, after which the Ustase cut the rope that Djordje was tied to the tree with. His body fell to the ground, where the Ustase fired at him and finished killing him. The person guilty of these martyr afflictions was a Roman Catholic priest from Nasice, Sidonije Solc. One of the witnesses said: "He (Fra Solc) had our parish priest Djordje Bogic killed in the most monstrous manner. They took him out of his apartment in the middle of the night and butchered him". The corpse of priest Djordje remained in the same place for the whole night till the afternoon of the next day. Around 16:00, the Gypsies were ordered to take the corpse to Brezik colony and to bury it in the graveyard. At the regular session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in 1998, archpriest Georgije Djordje Bogic, parish priest of Nasice, was canonized and his name was entered in the List of Names of the Serbian Church Saints.