Ravni Кotari still without water and electricity

On the 12th of January 2008, His Grace, Bishop of Dalmatia Fotije, together with the brotherhood of monastery Krka and the parish priest of Ravni Kotari fr. Sasa Drca visited the region of Ravni Kotari.
The Bishop also visited the church of St. Elias in Kasic and the church of Archangel Michael in Smiljcic. The reconstruction of the first is soon to be ended, and the preparations for rebuilding of the second one are ongoing.
This afternoon during the visit, the basic food provisions were also distributed to the Serbian returnees. Namely, they live as if in Middle Ages - still without electricity and water, but this is not the case with the nearby villages were Croats live.
Yet, this serious problem should certainly be solved by the responsible state institutions, so that these suferers might lead a normal life, and in that case a new possibility for the revival and return in recently fertile region of Ravni Kotari would also be acquired.