Funeral of Fr. James Barfield, Platina, California
28. Децембар 2020 - 12:23At 10 am, on Friday, December 11th of 2020, four dozen Christians gathered at St. Sebastian’s Serbian Orthodox Mission Parish in Carson City, Nevada, to participate in the funeral service and pay their last respects to their dear spiritual leader, Very Reverend James Barfield. In attendance were many spiritual children and friends, including parishioners from both the Greek and Russian churches in Reno. He was well known and loved by many in the area. One could not escape the sense and feel of love and respect so many had for Father James. Many knew that he was always there for any of them, anytime day or night. Despite his untimely passing, after 67 years on this earth, he has left behind a spiritual foundation and community that supports Northwest Nevada and was two decades in the making. It is to his great missionary zeal and credit that St. Sebastian became the first Christian Orthodox Parish in Carson City, the capital city of Nevada.
The Sunday of Holy Forefathers at the Old church in Kragujevac
28. Децембар 2020 - 16:22His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija and the administrator of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Milos’s church in Kragujevac on 27 December 2020, on 29th Sunday after Pentecost.
The Bishop was concelebrated by dean of Lepenica archpriest Srecko Zecevic, protonamesnik Branislav Matic, presbyters Vladan Kostadinovic and Dragisa Bogicevic and hierodeacon Vasilije (Starovlah).
Sunday of Holy Forefathers in Mrkonjic Grad
28. Децембар 2020 - 12:09His Grace Bishop Sergije of Bihac-Petrovac officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Saint Sava in Mrkonjic Grad on 27 December 2020, on Sunday of Holy Forefathers.
The Bishop was concelebrated by presbyter Dejan Mandic, Predrag Miletic and Aleksandar Bjelicic, protodeacon Nemanja Reljic and deacon Aleksa Maric. On the beginning of the Holy Liturgy, Bishop ordained Nemanja Lazendic, graduate physician and Davor Jovic, student of agriculture, to the rank of reader.
Holy Patriarch Gavrilo – founder's Patron Saint-day of Dubnica Monastery
28. Децембар 2020 - 13:15An ancient monastery of Dubnica in the village of Bozetic near Nova Varos its greatest prosperity experienced in the time of Saint Gavrilo the Serbian Patriarch.
On the occasion of celebration of the memory of that significant first hierarch, His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Milesheva celebrated the Divine Liturgy in this holy place on 26 December 2020. He was concelebrated by archpriest Nikola Perkovic, presbyter Misel Memisevic and deacon Ivan Savic.
Bishop Stefan served the Holy Liturgy and the memorial service on the tomb of the Patriarch Irinej in the crypt of the Saint Sava Cathedral
28. Децембар 2020 - 13:48His Grace Bishop Stefan of Remesiana celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Saint Sava Cathedral in Belgrade on 27 December 2020.
At the end of the Liturgy, Bishop Stefan served the memorial service to the Patriarch of blessed repose and our father Irinej. In the Saint Sava house distribution of gifts to children on the occasion of Serbian Mother's Day.