On third day of Christmas Bishop Jovan celebrated the Liturgy in the church at Aerodrom
11. Јануар 2021 - 15:14His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija and the Administrator of Belgrade-Karlovci celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Saint Sava in Aerodrom, Kragujevac on 9 January 2021, on the feast day of Holy Stephen the Archdeacon.
The Bishop was concelebrated by protopresbyter-staurophors Zoran Krstic, Rajko Stefanovic and Milan Borota, protonamesnik Branislav Matic, hierodeacon Vasilije (Starovlah) and Jovan (Prokin) and deacon Aleksandar Djordjevic, readers subdeacon Milos Kocic and students of theology Vasilije Tesi i Dimitrije Jakovljevic.
Patron Saint-day of Court chapel of Holy Archdeacon Stephen in Dalj
11. Јануар 2021 - 10:30On the feast day of Saint Stephen the Archdeacon, 9 January 2021, His Grace Bishop Heruvim of Osek-Polje and Baranja celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the chapel dedicated to this first Christan martyr.
The Bishop was concelebrated by protonamesnik Mladen Skopljak from the Diocese of Dalmatia and deacon Vojislav Nikolic, deacon at the court chapel in Dalj.
Feast day of Saint Stephen the Archdeacon in Sarajevo
11. Јануар 2021 - 10:20His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia and the Locum Tenens of the Throne of the Serbian Patriarchs officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Cathedral church in Sarajevo on 9 January 2021, on the feast day of Holy Archdeacon and the First Martyr Stephen.
The Metropolitan was concelebrated by protopresbyter-staurophors Cedo Djureinovic and Vladimir Stupar; archpriests Bosko Tosovic and Velimir Divljanovic, protonamesnik Bojan Zekic, presbyters Darko Danilovic, and Bozidar Tanovic, chief Саслуживали су протојереји-ставрофори Чедо Ђуреиновић и Владимир Ступар; протојереји Бошко Тошовић и Велимир Дивљановић, протонамесник Бојан Зекић, јереји Дарко Даниловић, и Божидар Тановић, chief military chaplain archpriest Milorad Milinkovic and deacon Budimir Gardovic.
Patron Saint-day and Day of Republika Srpska
11. Јануар 2021 - 10:13The feast day of Holy First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen, the Patron Saint-day of Republika Srpska, was marked with the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy which was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka in the Cathedral church of Christ the Saviour in Banja Luka.
- It is difficult to choose a better heavenly protector of Republika Srpska than Saint Stephen the Archdeacon, who preached the truth, suffered for the truth and in the end won, said Bishop Jefrem.
Ordination in Saint Sava church in Kraljevo
28. Децембар 2020 - 12:00In difficult days for all mankind, the Church continues to receive new reapers in the Lord's field, rejoicing in that bright and unspoken day of the Lord, the day of Resurrection, the day that delivers all and gives strength to all to overcome the obstacles and troubles of this world.
On Sunday of Holy Forefathers, 27 December 2020, His Grace Bishop Jovan of Sumadija officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Saint Sava in Kraljevo. The Bishop was concelebrated by Archimandrite Damjan (Cvetkovic), abbot of Raca German (Avakumovic), protodeacon Aleksandar Grujovic, deacon Stefan Milosevski and newly-ordained hierodeacon Julijan, co-brother of the Raca monastery.