Sremski Karlovci: Beginning of the New Year of the Lord and the Name day of Bishop Vasilije of Srem
17. Јануар 2021 - 15:33According to the already established liturgical order of the Holy Church, rejoicing in New Year of the Lord and the blessings that will bring us, the beginning of the New Year and the name day of His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem were solemnly marked in Cathedral Church in Sremski Karlovci.
The feast day's Vesper service was served by head of the Cathedral church archpriest Jovan Milanovic, rector of the Seminary, with the concelebration of deacon Djordje Milidrag. Clergy and professors of the Seminary sang responses. At midnight, Karlovci's "Bimba", the biggest bell of the Cathedral church, sounded a beginning of the New Year of the Lord and call all to enter the New Year with a prayer. The supplication service was served by His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem with the concelebration of archpriest Jovan Milanovic and deacon Goran Vlasac.
The President of the Provincial Government visited the Diocese of Srem
17. Јануар 2021 - 15:46Renovation of the Cathedra chufch, the Patriarchal Palace and the Boarding School of the Theological Seminary
His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem accompanied by the Rector of the Theological Seminary, archpriest Jovan Milanovic, the head of the Cathedral Church, and priest Dusko Maslaric, the Secretary of the Diocese, received Mr. Igor Mirovicć, President of the Provincial Government, with the delegation at the residence in Sremski Karlovci on January 13, 2021. The delegations consisted of Provincial Secretary for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities, Ms. Dragana Milosevic; Provincial Secretary for Regional Development, International Cooperation and Local Self-Government, Mr. Alexander Sofic, as well as Mr. Nedeljko Kovacevic, director of the Capital Investment Administration of Vojvodina.
Patron Saint-Day in the Bishop's Palace in Novi Sad
17. Јануар 2021 - 15:20On the feast day of the Circumcision of the Lord and the memory of Saint Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, a Patron Saint-day of the side chapel in the Bishop's palace in Novi Sad was celebrated.
The celebration of the feast daty of the side chapel in the Bishop's palace commenced in the evening of the Eve of the feast day. In the prayerful presence of His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa, PhD, the feast day's Vesper service was celebrated by archrpriest Miodrag Sipka with the concelebration of deacon Branko Bandobranski. On the feast day, 14 January 2021, the feast day's Matin was celebrated by archpriest Vladan Simic, Secretary of the Diocese of Backa, with the concelebration of deacon Branko. Bishop Isihije of Mohacs officiated the Holy Liturgy with the concelebration of Archimandrite Serafim (Baltic), archpriest Grigorije Sapsaj, protodeacon Goran Botoski and hierodeacon Justin (Zivanic). Bishop Irinej of Backa, PhD, attended prayerfully the Liturgy.
Saint Dositej the Confessor celebrated
15. Јануар 2021 - 16:31- Saint Dositej was a man of love, who built bridges and who educated his faithful people to glorify God with their whole being and to love all people with their whole being, Metropolitan Porfirije said.
The memory of Saint Dositej the Confessor of Zagreb was celebrated with gatherings in the Cathedral church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and in the high school’s chapel of Saint Sava in Zagreb, where Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb- Ljubljana served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy on January 13, 2021. The brotherhood of the monastery of St. Petka whose founder is actually Saint Dositej the Confessor, concelebrated.
Feast of Saint Basil the Great in Cetinje Monastery
15. Јануар 2021 - 9:33
On the day when the Church celebrates the Circumcision of the Lord and St. Basil the Great (New Year), His Grace Bishop Kiril of Buenos Aires and South-Central America celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Cetinje Monastery.
Archpriest-staurophores Gojko Perovic and Obren Jovanovic, archpriests Igor Balaban and Mirceta Sljivančanin, abbot of the monastery of St. Simeon the Myrrh-bearer in Podgorica, Archimandrite Danilo, protosynchellos Justin and Isak from Cetinje monastery, as well as deacons Dusan lekic concelebrated to the Bishop. On that occasion, the Bishop ordained monk Amfilohije to the rank of deacon.