Montenegro: A new monastery near Ulcinj dedicated to St Basil of Ostrog
9. Мај 2020 - 22:02The church of St Basil of Ostog in Briska Gora near Ulcinj, Montenegro, has become a monastery since today (9th May 2020) and a nun from the monastery Rustovo Olga (Lecic) has become the abbes of this monastery.
On this occasion His Eminence Amfilohije, Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, officiated Holy Archhierical Liturgy this morning. He was concelebrated with the clergy.
Patron Saint-day of the church of Holy Apostle Mark on Tasmajdan
9. Мај 2020 - 13:38The Patron Saint-day of the church of Saint Mark on Tasmajdan was solemnly celebrated with the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy officiated by His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch on 8 May 2020.
Celebration of Saint Mark the Apostle- Patron Saint of Podgorica
9. Мај 2020 - 13:33Metropolitan Amfilohije celebrated in the monastery of Saint Symeon the Myrrh-Gusher in Podgorica, while being sieged by the local police.
On the feast day of Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, 8 May 2020, His Eminence Amfilohije, Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro celebrated the Holy Liturgy with the concelebration of the local clergy in the laura of Saint Symeon the Myrrh-Gusher in the Nemanjics' city of Podgorica.
Patron Saint-day of Saint George church on Banovo Brdo
7. Мај 2020 - 16:17His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of the local clergy in the church of Saint George on Banovo Brdo in Belgrade, on 6 May 2020, on the feast day of Saint George.
Patron Saint-day of the church in Novi Sad
7. Мај 2020 - 16:14On Wednesday, on third week of the feast day of Easter, 23 April 2020, inhabitants of Novi Sad solemnly celebrated the feast day of the Cathedral church of Holy Great martyr, Victor-bearer and Wonderworker George.
Celebration of the feast day began with solemn vigil service which was officiated by protopresbyter-staurophor Milivoj Mijatov, with the concelebraton of the clergy of Novi Sad. On the feast day HIs Grace Bishop Irinej of Novi Sad and Backa officiated the Holy Hierarchal LIturgy with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop Isihije of Mohacs and the clergy and deacons of Novi Sad.