Celebration of Saint Sava's Day at the Memorial Cathedral on Vracar
28. Јануар 2012 - 15:56St. Sava's Day academy at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade
30. Јануар 2012 - 11:46Slava of the side chapel of Saints Hermylos and Stratonikos at the Cathedral of St. Sava
26. Јануар 2012 - 16:15With the blessing and on behalf of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served on January 26, 2012, on the feast day of Saints Hermylos and Stratonicos the Divine Liturgy in the side chapel devoted to these sainst in the St. Sava's Cathedral in Vracar.
Celebrations of St. Sava's Day in Belgrade
26. Јануар 2012 - 16:05With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, His Grace vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno yesterday blessed and enhanced the celebration of St. Sava's Day in the Gramar school St. Sava, Mathematical Grammar School and the Municipality of Vracar.