Christmas Eve and Christmas at Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Chicago
18. Јануар 2012 - 11:43Christmas Eve was solemnly celebrated at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago with local clergy officiating. On the Feast of the Nativity His Grace Bishop Longin officiated at the Holy Resurrection Cathedral church.
Patriarch Irinej meets with Princess Jelisaveta Karadjordjevic
17. Јануар 2012 - 16:58On Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Stephen's Day Bishop Teodosije served in Novi Pazar and Koncul
17. Јануар 2012 - 14:08On the second day of Christmas, when the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated, Bishop Teodosije served the Holy Liturgy in St. Nicholas church in Novi Pazar with the concelebration of priests of Novi Pazar. Bishop Teodosije during his stay in Novi Pazar's area visited monasteries of Sopocani and Djurdjevi Stupovi so as to congratulate monks Christmas holidays.
New Year's Charity Concert
16. Јануар 2012 - 16:57His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch attended the New Year's concert, on January 14, 2012 at the National Theatre in Belgrade.
Midland Family Honors Its Promise
16. Јануар 2012 - 15:57After their widowed mother died in 1956, the five siblings in the Borato family of Midland promised each other that they always would spend Orthodox Christmas together.
They have kept their promise for 56 years, even after a brother, Milan, died four years ago at age 84. Each has taken turns hosting a traditional holiday dinner, the most celebratory meal of the year for Serbian Orthodox Christians.