Slava of the First Belgrade Singing Society
14. Јануар 2012 - 9:15His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served today, on the feast day of St. Basil the Great, the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Belgrade's Cathedral church, during which cut the slava cake of the First Belgrade's Singing Society.
Christmas Eve day in Transfiguration Monastery in Milton
16. Јануар 2012 - 10:16His Grace Bishop Georgije of Canada officiated at the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great on Christmas Eve Day, Badnji Dan, in Transfiguration Monastery in Milton. During the service a large number of faithful partook of the holy sacrament of Holy Communion. At the end of the liturgy the bishop wished everyone a happy and joyous eve of the feast calling upon all of them to take part in the Christmas services.
Photo: Christmas Eve celebration in the Elizabeth, NJ parish
16. Јануар 2012 - 10:08Thanksgiving on the beginning of the New Year
14. Јануар 2012 - 9:24His Grace vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served tonight in the church of St. Sava on Vracar thanksgiving on the beginning of the New Year, after that at midnight the traditional New Year's firework lit up the Saint Sava's Plateau and the Serbian capital.