Prayer Request:Wild Fires threaten Saint Herman of Alaska Monastery
3. Јул 2008 - 13:40
His Grace Bishop Maxim of the Western American Diocese urges all of our Orthodox faithful to offer prayers for the protection of the St. Herman of Alaska Serbian Orthodox Monastery in Platina, California.
Wild fires are quickly approaching the Monastery grounds and the Monastery is in great danger of being burned down. The Monastic Community has been evacuated and are seeking refuge in the neighboring parish of Redding, California.
WCC Faith & Order standing commission meets in Cairo
8. Јул 2008 - 8:45Hosted by the Coptic Orthodox Church the WCC Faith & Order Standing Commission met at St Mark¹s Conference Centre in Cairo (16 -22 June). Commissioners heard the reports on bilateral dialogues, uniting and united, BEM, one baptism, ecclesiology, common witness and other related activities reports. They discussed these reports in working groups, and focused on project on moral discernment. The WCC General Secretary greeted the meeting with words of encouragements. The WCC General Secretary, the MECC General Secretary and the Commissioners were received by Patriarch Theodoros II of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria and All Africa. Patriarch Theodoros II bestowed on Kobia the Cross of the Patriarchate and congratulated him upon his contribution to the WCC.
Participation of Orthodox Women in the Ecumenical Movement
8. Јул 2008 - 8:36An inter-orthodox consultation was held at the Volos Academy for Theological Studies in Greece from June 8-12, under the title "Participation of Orthodox Women in the Ecumenical Movement: Past, Present, Future...And many were there...(Mt.27:55)".
A World Religious Summit for Peace in Sapporo
3. Јул 2008 - 13:35
A World Religious Summit for Peace is to be held ahead of the G8 summit in Sapporo, Hokkaido, on July 2 and 3.
The world religious forum will bring together leaders of traditional religious organizations from several dozen countries, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, a delegate and the deputy head of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations, told Interfax-Religion.