A People’s Kitchen of the Diocese of Backa has started working
12. Новембар 2020 - 13:13
With the blessing of the Bishop Dr. Irinej of Backa, the first fifty cooked meals were distributed to the users of the People’s Kitchen of the Diocese of Backa on the feast-day of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica and the Holy Martyr Nestor, on November 9, 2020.
The meals were taken to the addresses of the immovable users of the People’sl Kitchen. On weekdays, in the premises of the People’s Kitchen (next to the Church of the Ascension of the Lord at Klisa, Novi Sad), one cooked meal will be distributed for 50 people, while the users of the Kitchen will be given a dry meal every weekend, next to the cooked meal every Friday.
Saint Demetrius – Patron Saint-day of the Zgodacica monastery
10. Новембар 2020 - 14:52On the day when the Church celebrates the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, the brotherhood of the Zgodacica monastery was honored by the visit of His Grace Bishop Justin of Zica.
The Bishop officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of the Diocesan Dean of Zica archpriest staurophor Nenad Ilic, abbot of the Zgodacica monastery hieromonk Stefan, archpriests Srboljub Stojkovic and Zeljko Filipovic, priest Vladimir Stefanovic, protodeacon Aleksandar Grujovic, in the prayerful presence of the monastics of monasteries of Preobrazenje, Sretenje, Voljavca, Kamenac and the faithful people.
International monastic symposium in the monastery of Prohor of Pcinja
7. Новембар 2020 - 22:25On the occasion of the great jubilee - 950 years of the monastery of the Venerable Prohor of Pcinja in the Diocese of Vranje - an international monastic symposium entitled "950 years of the Venerable Prohor Pčinjski" was held on October 30 and 31, 2020.
Several metropolitans, bishops, abbots and abbesses from ten countries (Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Belarus, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Republika Srpska, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia) took part in the two-day symposium in the monastery of Venerable Prohor and presented a total of 13 papers on the topics of the organization of the monastic life, the monastic feat, the problems of modern monasticism and the history of monasticism.
Metropolitan Amfilohije buried in the Cathedral church of Podgorica (PHOTO)
2. Новембар 2020 - 12:57Епархија аустријско-швајцарска: Израз солидарности
6. Новембар 2020 - 10:48In these difficult moments and having in mind an incomprehensible and inexplicable inhuman act, We express, in our personal name and on behalf of the faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Austria, Our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of all those killed and injured and scared.