Church of the Assumption of Most Holy Theotokos in Pale a national monument
25. Новембар 2011 - 16:20The committee for the preservation of the national monuments of BiH declared the church of the Assumption of Most Holy Theotokos in Pale a national monument of the BiH. The church was built in 1909, and the consecration was done bz Metropolitan Evgenije Letica. The consecration of the foundation of the church was performed on St. Peter's Day on July 12, 1908 and the rite of the consecration was done by priest Vaso Popovic. More than thousand people were present at the consecration of the foundation. Two and a half months after this event an anexy of the BiH happened, so the building of the church continued under hard conditions.
Already on August 30, 1909 church was finished and dedicated to the Assumption of Most Holy Theotokos which the municipality of Pale celebrated as its Patron Saint's Day of the town.
Primate of the Orthodox Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia sent a letter to Serbian Patriarch regarding the suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija
25. Новембар 2011 - 9:02Your Holiness, we received Your letter and we have read it with brotherly love and attention and informed about it the Holy Synod of Our Orthodox Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia, our faithful and our public. All of us are well aware of the suffering of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija by the Albanians and unprecedented destruction of Orthodox sacred places in that holy Serbian land.
Therefore, we constantly pray the God for the suffering Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and for Your Holy Church to persevere in those area and preserve its Orthodox faith, as it preserved in many and various difficulties throughout the centuries.
Guardians of our sky
25. Новембар 2011 - 12:02His Grace vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno attended yesterday a celebration of the 49th anniversary of the heroic the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade of the Serbian Armed Forces.
Slava of the church of St. Stephen of Decani in Zeleznik
25. Новембар 2011 - 11:53His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, with the blessing of His Holiness Irinej Serbian Patriarch, served on the feast day of St. King Stephen of Decani, the Divinel Liturgy in the church devoted to this great Serbian saint in Zeleznik.
St. Archangel Michael's Day in St. Alexander Nevsky Church
24. Новембар 2011 - 14:22On the day when we prayerfully celebrate St. Michael the Archangel on November 21, 2011, His Grace vicar Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served the Holy Liturgy in the hcurch of St. Alexander Nevsky.