Whit Ceremonies on Kalemegdan, May 18-25 2010
20. Мај 2010 - 13:40Patron Saint's Day of St. Sava Cathedral on Vrachar
9. Мај 2010 - 17:00
His Holiness IRINEJ, Serbian Patriarch with the bishops of our Holy Church will serve the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy on a day of burning the relics of St. Sava, May 10, 2010 with the beginning at 9am, in the memorial cathedral of the Serbian people to its first Archbishop on Vracar in Belgrade. On the Eve of the feast day, on May 9, at 5pm, at a small Vracar church of St. Sava a feast day's vigil service.
Burning the relics of Saint Sava
Great jubilees of our Holy Church
3. Мај 2010 - 15:14
Yesterday at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade, the Academy was held on the occasion of the celebration of two great jubilees of the Serbian Orthodox Church in 2010 - 90 years since the renewal of the Pec Patriarchate (1920-2010) and 60 years since Patriarch Gabriel reposed (1950-2010). The dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Bachka welcomed the guests, firstly His Holiness IRINEJ, Serbian Patriarch and Bishops of our Church.