Media announcement
26. Март 2010 - 14:32
His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia will read the Easter Epistle of the Serbian Orthodox Church on Great Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 01:00pm in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade.
We call representatives of media to attend this event. Accreditations shall be sent by email no later than Wednesday, March 31 at 03:00pm.
Information Service of the SOC
Bishop Longin served the Liturgy in Des Plaines, Illinois
17. Март 2010 - 12:59
On Tuesday, March 9, 2010, the Feast of the First and Second Findings of the Honorable Head of St. John the Baptist, His Grace Bishop Longin served the Hierarchical Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts with His Grace Peter, Bishop of Cleveland of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in their Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God in Des Plaines, Illinois. Fifteen priests and four deacons served with the Bishops. At the Small Entrance, Bishop Peter awarded several priests. Following Liturgy, there was a Lenten luncheon in the church hall.
Homily delivered by Bishop Atanasije on the Sunday of the Cross
11. Март 2010 - 9:28
Great and joyous is the day this week of our Lord's Resurrection and great and joyous is this Sunday of our Lord's Cross - two events connected with one another, united, two events equally salvific. The Lord rushes, hastens to Jerusalem, to the suffering for our salvation. This is the endless, pre-eternal love of God for His creation and that most loved creation - Man. And the Lord created man in the sign of the Cross. When man stands, says St. Irenaeus of Lyon the great martyr from the second century, (Asia Minor, he suffered in Lyon, south France), when he stands and stretches out his hands, he is a living and walking Cross. God created man in the sign of the Cross and as St. Bishop Nikolaj says all of the universe is in the sign of the Cross. Upright or vertically and horizontally all of the universe is marked with the Cross, signed with the Cross, crossed.
His Grace Bishop Longin makes the archpastoral visit to the parishes in Indiana
15. Март 2010 - 13:12
From Friday, March 6, until Sunday, March 8, 2010, His Grace Bishop Longin visited the churches in Indiana. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and by the request of Abbess Markina (Zugic), Vladika served Friday evening the All-Night Vigil, beginning at 10pm, at the Stavropigial Patriarchal Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God in New Carlisle, Indiana. Divine Liturgy was served in the early hours of Saturday. Deacon Nikolaj Kostur served with His Grace. Along with the nuns, a good amount of faithful from Chicagoland prayed and communed of the Holy Gifts. Following Holy Liturgy, a meal was held in the monastery refectory.