Nativity Message from His Grace Bishop Mitrophan
12. Јануар 2010 - 15:37
Dear brothers and sisters,
Two thousand years ago, wise men from the East rejoiced beholding the star which led them to Bethlehem in Judea. Who knows how many days they travelled to behold the newborn King of the Jews? When they saw Him, they bowed down to Him and gave Him gold, frankincense and myrrh (Mt. 2:11).They gave Him the very best that they had. And it is our belief that they exerted themselves to obtain the gold, frankincense and myrrh. And we also, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do today what they did then whenever we give to His Church.
Nativity Message from His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher
12. Јануар 2010 - 15:35
Every year, hundreds of millions of Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Son of God. On this great feast, millions of children of God experience and feel God's proximity in the atmosphere of God's love and grace. Being permeated and illumined by the angelic hymn: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will among men" (Luke 2:14), we are united with the newly born God-child.
Second annual Eastern diocese clergy gathering
12. Јануар 2010 - 15:31
With the Archpastoral Blessings of Diocesan Bishop, His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, a number of clergy of the Eastern American Diocese came to St. Sava Camp- Shadeland, the location of the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God, for the Second Annual Clergy Gathering.