Celebration of St. Simeon The Myrrh-Flowing
10. Март 2010 - 14:16
Thе celebration of our church Slava was held on Sunday, February 28th. After the Holy Liturgy and Procession around the church, Slava Bread and wheat were blessed and the celebration continued with an appropriate program, keeping in mind that this is the time of the Great Fast. During the delicious, fasting lunch, we had a film presentation about Miroslav's Gospel. Film contained many interesting information and details about Serbian history and culture.
We venerate Thy Cross, O Master, and we glorify Thy Holy Resurrection
9. Март 2010 - 15:47
These beautiful words from the church hymn resounded in the souls of the many faithful who prayerfully celebrated the third Sunday of Great Lent at St. Elijah the Prophet Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Merrillville, Indiana. In the full cathedral church the pious people, together with the clergy, offered their prayers and with fear of God and a firm faith bowed down before the Honorable Cross of our Lord. This prayerful celebration was made complete with the presence of the spiritual father of the New Gracanica-Midwestern American Diocese, Bishop Longin.
Divine Liturgy in St. Andrew Fool-For-Christ Serbian Orthodox Church in Anderson
3. Март 2010 - 11:28
His Grace, Bishop Maxim together with the Clergy and the faithful of the St. Andrew Church and neighboring parishes, gathered together on Sunday, February 28, 2010 to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. On this day His Grace ordained the servant of God, Monk Andrew from the St. Herman's Monastery in Platina, California, to the Holy Deaconate.