Episcopal Assembly of All canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania and Asia
15. October 2010 - 11:49
INVITATION - On the occasion of the Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania and Asia, which will take place in Sydney from 16th-18th October 2010, there will be on Sunday 17th october 2010, from 7:30 am in the Cathedral of the church of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, Redfern, a concelebration of the Divine Liturgy, presided by His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia, with Their Eminences Hierarchs Paul of the Antiochian Church, Agapit of the Russian, Irinej of the Serbian, Michael of the Romanian, Their Eminences Metropolitans Amphilochios of New Zealand, Ambrosios of Korea, Nectarios of Hong Kong, and Their Graces Assistant Bishops Ezekiel of Dervis, Seraphim of Apollonias and Nikandros of Dorylaion, assisted by Priests of all jurisdictions.
We invite you to pray together with us. After the Liturgy, refreshments will be served in the Main Hall of the Theological College, next to the Cathedral.
In Sydney, 5th October 2010.
The Vicar-General
+Bishop Seraphim of Apollonias
40th anniversary of autonomous status of the Orthodox Church of Japan
14. October 2010 - 13:05
On 10 October 2010, the 40th anniversary of canonization of St. Nicholas of Japan, Equal-to-the-Apostles, and the granting of the autonomous status to the Orthodox Church of Japan by the Russian Orthodox Church were celebrated at the Church of the Intercession in Osaka, Japan.
Number of permanent parishioners in Russia may reach 40 million people in next 20 years - Patriarch
14. October 2010 - 10:35Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has cited statistical data saying that number of permanent parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia is probable to grow up to 40 million people in coming 20 years. "Some statistical forecasts say that if things will go on as they do now our country will have over 40 million permanent parishioners, enchurched people in coming twenty years," the Patriarch said on Tuesday at a press conference in Moscow, though urging not to focus on figures but to keep working.
Patriarch Kirill thanks German authorities for support extended to Russian Church in the country
14. October 2010 - 10:33Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia stands for systematical dialogue with Christians of Germany. "I believe that Christians of Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union should continue systematic dialogue with Christians of Germany. I would be happy if this dialogue focuses on concerns over preserving Christian values in culture of a modern person," Patriarch Kirill said at his meeting with German President Christian Wulff on Wednesday in Moscow.
Message Of The Patriarch Of Romania To The Conference Organised By The World Council Of Churches And By The Romanian Patriarchat
8. October 2010 - 13:42
On the occasion of the conference with the theme: "Global
Platform for Theological Reflection 2010. Unity and Mission Today:
Witness and Opinions of the Marginalized" organised at the Patriarchal
Palace by the World Council of Churches and by the Romanian
Patriarchate, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox
Church addressed the participants the following message: