Encyclical on the Occasion of the Centennial Celebration of the Re-establishment of the Serbian Patriarchate
15. May 2022 - 11:41
By the Grace of God, the Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the hierarchs gathered at the regular annual session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops, sends this pastoral encyclical to the clergy, monastics and all sons and daughters of our Holy Church on the occasion of the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the reestablishment of canonical unity of the Serbian Patriarchate.
We greet you with joy, dear spiritual children, from one of the three historical headquarters of the Serbian patriarchs, from the God protected Sremski Karlovci, where we are liturgically celebrating the great jubilee of the one-hundredth anniversary of the renewal of the ancient Patriarchate of Pec, the unification of all the Serbian church regions, which were until then in various statuses and jurisdictions, into one Serbian Patriarchate, which, due to the epidemic, we were unable to celebrate in 2020.
Paschal Encyclical of the Serbian Orthodox Church
23. April 2022 - 16:35The Serbian Orthodox Church to her spiritual children at Pascha, 2022
By the Grace of God
Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church to all the clergy, monastics, and all the sons and daughters of our Holy Church: grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with the joyous Paschal greeting:
This is the day which the Lord has made;
Let us greatly rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 117:24
Our dear spiritual children,
With these words from the Old Testament days, the king and prophet David enthusiastically cried out, foreseeing by the Holy Spirit the great day of Christ's victory over death and our spiritual celebration because of that. On this great and mysterious Day all creation is bathed in the light of eternity and with unspeakable joy sings the song of victory to the Lord who banished the darkness of sin and illumined us with the unfading rays of life. "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it," (St. John 1:5) - so the essence of divine revelation and our Christian testimony was summed up by the Holy Apostle, Evangelist and Theologian John who during the Mystical Supper rested his head upon Lord’s bosom and took in all the power, beauty and mystery of His life-giving Being as the God-Man.
On the Resolution of the European Parliament
14. March 2022 - 15:56The completely unjustified mentioning of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Resolution of the European Parliament on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation, based solely on deep historical prejudices and tendentiously created stereotypes is not surprising, but is, indeed, deeply disappointing for us.
Putting the Serbian Orthodox Church into the role of the cause of “tensions between ethnic groups in the Western Balkans in order to inflame conflicts and divide communities” is completely contrary to the facts and the commitment of the Church in everyday life, and we therefore firmly reject such a position.
Patriarch Porfirije talked with responsible political figures from Montenegro.
28. January 2022 - 22:30Patriarch Porfirije talked with responsible political figures from Montenegro.
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, talked yesterday and today, on their request, with responsible political figures from Montenegro: Vice President of the Government Mr. Dritan Abazovic; Minister of Justice, Culture and Sports Vesna Bratic, PhD; President of the Socialist People's Party Mr. Vladimir Jokovic; leaders of the Democratic Front Mr. Nebojska Medojevic, Mr. Andrija Mandic and Mr. Milan Knezevic; as well as Minister of Economy Aleksadar Stijovic MSc and former Minister of Justice Vladimir Lepojevic Vladimir Leposavic, PhD.
Press Release
24. January 2022 - 17:53By the decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops of December 21, 2021, to restore church order and unity among parishioners entrusted to the spiritual care and temporary management of His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Mr. Porfirije, the handover of the parish and the church-school community took place in the premises of the Cathedral of Saint Sava in New York, from January 14 to 18, 2022..
Executing the decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops, the parish, and the Church-School Community of Saint Sava in New York, in the name and with the authorization of His Grace Bishop Irinej of East America was handed over by protopresbyter-staurophor Aleksandar Vlajkovic, the Diocesan deputy of Washington. On behalf of His Holiness, Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch, they were received by His Grace Bishop Mitrofan of Canada, protopresbyter-staurophor Dr. Velibor Džomić and Archimandrite Nikifor (Milović).
During their stay in New York, His Holiness's envoys celebrated in the Greek church of St. Eleftherios in downtown Manhattan. On that occasion, the faithful people were informed about the handover and called to keep their faith, identity, and brotherly love in Christ the Lord.
From the office of the Serbian Patriarch
Press Release
12. January 2022 - 12:52Considering that His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch, tested positive for SARS - CoV2 during today's testing, according to the specific protocol and doctors' advice, the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church will spend the upcoming days on home treatment.
His Holiness has very mild symptoms of the viral infection, he has been prescribed appropriate therapy, and he respects all epidemiological measures. He is in regular contact with associates through electronic communications and performs administrative tasks completely undisturbed. Also, he does not stop prayerfully supporting doctors and medical staff in their work, and he especially prays for the healing of all those affected by the epidemic. The Patriarch expresses regret that the public manifestations in which he was supposed to participate have been postponed until further notice.
The Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church