Public Communique from the regular meeting of the Serbian Orthodox Church`s Holy Assembly of Bishops held in Belgrade May 2006
27. May 2006 - 7:00
Serbian Orthodox Church's Holy Assembly of Bishops held its regular
meeting from May 15 to May 27, 2006, in the Patriarch's residence in
Belgrade with His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle presiding. All
diocesan hierarchs (bishops) of the Serbian Orthodox Church
participated in the work of the Assembly.
At the beginning of its work the Assembly gave thanks to the Lord and expressed the joy of all its members following the successful recovery of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle and his release from the Military Medical Clinic in Belgrade where he underwent medical treatment.
The Assembly also expressed joy at the successful continuation of work on the interior appointment of St. Sava Memorial Cathedral in Vracar (Belgrade), praising the zeal of the philanthropists and donors of this holy endowment to date, and calling on the faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Church to continue building this holy shrine, which builds all of us, with their donations, with love and through sacrifice.
Hrh Crown Prince Alexander Meets With Secretary General Kofi Anan Of The United Nations To Discuss Kosovo
19. March 2004 - 9:25HRH Crown Prince Alexander was received by His Excellency Secretary General of the United Nations. His Royal Highness has known the Secretary General for many years and has met on many occasions. The Secretary General warmly welcomed His Royal Highness to the United Nations and briefed him on recent meetings, actions and activities taken by the United Nations in view of the extremely serious situation in Kosovo.
Sokolica Monastery Saved - Nuns Returned As Kfor Guards Holy Shrine
19. March 2004 - 9:25The Diocese of Raska-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija has learned that KFOR has decided to guard Sokolica Monastery. Previous statements by some international representatives indicated that KFOR had abandoned the monastery after the forcible evacuation of Mother Makarija and the Sokolica sisterhood. Thanks to the intervention of Bishop Artemije and his monks and priests with KFOR representatives in Mitrovica, it was agreed that KFOR would stay to guard the monastery. Finally KFOR agreed to return the nuns to the monastery and with them the sisterhood of Devic Monastery, which was evacuated and destroyed yesterday.
Appeal from the Extraordinary Session of the Expanded Convocation of the Holy Synod Of Bishops
18. March 2004 - 11:42The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, from their extraordinary session, which met in expanded convocation, summoned by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, on the occasion of the latest tragic events in Kosovo and Metohija, issued the following Statement and Appeal:
Аppeal of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church to the Macedonian state authorities to release from imprisonment Metropolitan of Veles-Povadarje and Exarch (procurator) of Ohrid kyr John
23. January 2004 - 11:22The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church expresses its profound concern because of the astonishing violence accomplished by the Macedonian State and Church authorities against His Eminence Metropolitan of Veles-Povadarje and Exarch of Ohrid Kyr John, as well as against other clergy and faithful people of the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid.
In this violence, unfortunately, also participate - by its statements and behavior - chief representatives of the State authorities of the Republic of Macedonia who interfere directly in exclusively ecclesiastic matters. These people claim, on one side, that they pass ecclesiastic matters on the responsibility of the Church, while then again they put openly and publicly themselves on side of the schismatic organization, called the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which was even so created by the former communistic regime by interest. That kind of hypocritical relationship towards the Church, leads Macedonian State authorities into suppressing basic human and religious rights what culminates in imprisonment of Metropolitan John in the town of Bitola. Hereby the Macedonian State authorities together with the Orthodox hierarchy of the MOC (which is not recognized by anyone in the Orthodox world) participate in befooling the people that Metropolitan John and other members of the Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid, allegedly are "Serbian mercenaries" and "traitors" of their people. Time will prove and the very truth witnesses: these honored people only bring their Church and their people back to the eucharistic unity and to all other straight unity with all Orthodox Churches and people in the world, becoming liberated of being for many decades excommunicated of this community and isolated. People who judge and persecute for something what - according to a healthy-minded person - gives honor to a Church and people, can only be people who have spiritually a contracted horizon and who have lost sensibility for justice, for a true sovereignty of a Church and for a just dignity of a people.
14. January 2004 - 12:47Regarding the latest events, in which, countless times over, violation of human rights and religious freedom was evidenced in the Republic of Macedonia, the Orthodox Archdiocese of Ochrid informs the democratic European media with the following:
On 10 January 2004, following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the Chapel of the Resurrection of Christ, police conducted a search under the pretense of searching out firearms. We do not know why the Ministry of the Interior neither informed the public of the reason for the search, nor that they found anything incriminating, as is testified in the transcript signed by two witnesses.