Holy Synod Statement

Communiqué of the Holy Synod of Bishops

Communiqué of the Holy Synod of Bishops

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in its meeting held on 21 December 2021, on the basis of the decision from this year's convocation of the Holy Assembly of Bishops, rendered a decision – with the aim of overcoming the problems in the Church-School Congregation of Saint Sava in New York, and re-establishing the ecclesial order and unity among the parishioners there – pursuant to which this Church-School Congregation and its parish were temporarily entrusted to the spiritual care and administration of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch kyr Porfirije, until the normalization of the situation in the mentioned Church-School Congregation.

from the Office of the Holy Synod of Bishops


The Holy Synod of Bishops, under the presidency of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch kyr Porfirije, in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade from 7 do 10 December of this year, began to carry out the binding decisions of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church concerning the newly-formed corporations in the United States of America, the Saint Sava School of Theology in Libertyville, and the Church-School Congregation of Saint Sava in New York.

Alongside the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops, the meetings were also attended by Their Graces the Bishops of New-Gračanica and Midwestern America kyr Longin, Canada kyr Mitrofan, Western America kyr Maksim, Eastern America kyr Irinej and Buenos Aires and South-Central America kyr Kirilo, as well as the members of the Commission of the Holy Synod of Bishops for considering the above-mentioned matters: Their Graces Bishops of Bačka kyr Irinej and Šumadija kyr Jovan, as well as protopresbyter-stavrophoros Dr Velibor DŽomić, protopresbyter Vladan Simić, protonamesnik Miroslav Čolaković, and legal counselors Srđan Todorović, Miroslav Nikolić and Milan Andrić.

Press release of the Holy Synod of Bishops

Press release of the Holy Synod of Bishops

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, under the presidency of His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch decided to start the regular session of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church with the service of the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in the Vracar district, on May 24, 2021, on the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius. The Holy Liturgy will be served by Serbian Patriarch Porfirije with the concelebration of the hierarchs.

The previously planned solemn act of enthronement of the primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Stauropegial Monastery of the Pec Patriarchate, the ancient seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church, has been postponed until further notice due to epidemiological measures in force in this southern Serbian province.

From the Office of the Holy Synod of Bishops

Press release of the Holy Synod of Bishops

The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church submitted objections and opinions on the draft law on same-sex unions to the Government of the Republic of Serbia in a timely manner and within the period prescribed by law.

The mentioned bill for the Serbian Orthodox Church is unacceptable, because the vast majority of the proposed provisions are in contradiction with the Gospel of Christ and the overall experience and practice of the Church on which our Serbian people, as well as the entire European civilization, are spiritually and morally based.

Help for earthquake victims

Considering the catastrophic consequences caused by the earthquake in Croatia, showing solidarity with those who suffered, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church purposely opened an account with the bank Poštanska štedionica a.d. Beograd to which contributions can be made:

  • local Serbian Dinar account : 200-3274971601759-51
  • foreign currency account: RS35200327497060198827 (instructions for EUR  and USD)

Press release regarding the statements of Bishop Grigorije

The faithful people and the public on general were in the previous festal days, otherwise tormented by the epidemic and the suffering of people and their property by the earthquake in the Banija region, additionally confused by some statements of Bishop Grogorije of Dusseldorf and Germany, which are exclusively of a political, even of a party character, and have nothing to do with the faith in Christ the Savior or with the mission of the Orthodox Church.

 The Holy Synod of Bishops feels obliged to inform in this matter all those who the relating political statements attribute to the Serbian Orthodox Church or bring them in any way in connection with her, that they are exclusively personal attitude and an engagement of an individual, done not in capacity of a hierarch of the believing People of God, but exclusively in capacity of a citizen.  To what an extent a political or a state-legal activity of bishops and clerics is allowed and blessed, the Church itself exclusively values and judges,   autonomously and independently, on the basis of her canonical order.

From the Office of the Holy Synod of Bishops
Serbian Orthodox Church