St. Vladimir's Seminary will bestow the degree of Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa on Professor Christos Yannaras
10. August 2010 - 9:54
On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14, St. Vladimir's Seminary will bestow the degree of Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa on Professor Christos Yannaras, a leading Greek Orthodox ethicist. Professor Yannaras has authored more than a dozen books on ethics, theology, and modern religious philosophy, including one by St. Vladimir's Seminary Press titled The Freedom of Morality.
Patriarch Kirill urges prayers for rain amid Russian heat wave
4. August 2010 - 9:01
Patriarch Kirill I of the Russian Orthodox Church has offered prayers for rain to relieve a drought that has destroyed crops and led to thousands of forest and peat bog fires.
"I am urging all the faithful sons and daughters of the Russian Orthodox Church to unite in one prayer to God that he send rains to our scorched soil," the Interfax news agency quoted the patriarch as saying while visiting the Nizhny Novgorod region, one of the badly hit areas.
Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart Officiates at Feast-Day Celebrations at Sydney’s SS Peter and Paul Cathedral
29. July 2010 - 14:46
Services were conducted in the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul in Sydney, Australia, by two bishops on the weekend of July 10, 2010: His Grace Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart and His Grace Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church. They were joined by the Senior Priest of the Cathedral, Protopriest George Lapardin and other priests.
Moscow Patriarchate appeals for Orthodox unity in Ukraine
29. July 2010 - 14:43Patriarch Kirill I of the Russian Orthodox Church, on an official visit to Ukraine, has appealed to Orthodox believers there who have broken with the Moscow Patriarchate to return to its jurisdiction.
Crucifix ban in Italian school comes under fire from churches
16. July 2010 - 8:46Roman Catholic and Orthodox bishops have urged the European Court of Human Rights to revoke a judgment against school crucifixes in Italy as the institution prepared to consider an appeal on the issue.
"We hope people's religious feelings will be taken into account," the Italian (Catholic) Bishops' Conference had written in a statement on 16 June. "A decision not to penalise the presence of the Cross and religious symbols in the public sphere would reflect the principle of subsidiarity which regulates relations between States and European institutions."