Sunday of Holy Forefathers in East Sarajevo

Sunday of Holy Forefathers in East Sarajevo
Sunday of Holy Forefathers in East Sarajevo
Sunday of Holy Forefathers in East Sarajevo
Sunday of Holy Forefathers in East Sarajevo

On Sunday of Holy Forefathers, 27 December 2020, on Serbian Mother's Day, His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia, the Locum Tenens of the Throne of Serbian Patriarchs, for the first time after leaving the hospital and recovery from coronavirus infection, served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy and held a seromn in the church of Basil of Ostrog in Veljine, East Sarajevo.

Holy Liturgy and forty-day memorial service for the Serbian Patriarch Irinej of blessed repose

The Conciliar Holy Liturgy and forty-day memorial service for Serbian Patriarch Irinej of blessed repose were served in the crypt of the Saint Sava Cathedral in the Vracar district on 29 December 2020.

His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia, the Locum Tenens of the Patriarchаl throne, officiated the Liturgy with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops Pahomije of Vranje, Jovan of Sumadia and administrator of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovci, Joanikije of Budimlye-Niksic and administrator of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, David of Krusevac, Arsenije of Nis, Kiril of Buenos Aires and South America, Isihije of Mohacs and Metodije of Dioclea,  in а prayerful presence of His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana and Their Graces Bishops Irinej of Backa, Ignjatije of Branicevo and Stefan of Remesiana.

Earthquake damaged Serbian churches in Sisak and Petrinja

 The earthquake that hit Croatia on December 29, 2020, severely damaged Serbian Orthodox churches and parish houses in Petrinja and Sisak (phоto gallery).

- The damage to the church of St. Petka and the parish house in Sisak is such that worship services and life in them are permanently disabled. Also, the church of St. Spyridon as well as the magnificent building of the parish house in Petrinja were so damaged that they were put out of function. Priests from Sisak and Petrinja and their families were forced to leave their homes, priest Veselin Ristic, a parish priest from Sisak, told this to the Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Fr. Dusan Bunjevic Reposed in the Lord

Fr. Dusan Bunjevic Reposed in the Lord
Fr. Dusan Bunjevic Reposed in the Lord
Fr. Dusan Bunjevic Reposed in the Lord
Fr. Dusan Bunjevic Reposed in the Lord

Fr. Dusan has traveled a storied journey since his birth in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, April 25, 1928, the only son of Pavle Bunjevic and Zora Tomic Bunjevic. Because of his father’s profession as a Civil Engineer, most of his youth and growing up took place in Nis and Belgrade, though some years were also spent in Dubrovnik and Mostar. He graduated from the 6th Belgrade Gymnasium in 1951; four years behind his normal class year due to imprisonment by a regime that punished people on flimsy grounds just as a matter of course. 

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Moraga, CA

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Moraga, CA
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Moraga, CA
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Moraga, CA
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Moraga, CA

On Sunday, December 20th, Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Moraga had the privilege of Bishop Maxim serving a beautiful outdoor Divine Liturgy where he gave thanks “for all God’s benefactions, those we know and those we know not.” In his sermon, Vladika Maxim explained that through the Divine Liturgy we are immersed in the grace and freedom of the age to come.