Bijelo Polje: We mustn’t let our shrines, those beams of light that illuminate our way, be taken away from us
14. March 2020 - 22:36On 12th March 2020, thousands of citizens of Bijelo Polje assembled at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul for a prayer of supplication to the Most Holy Theotokos
Afterwards a cross procession of the faithful for defending their shrines and Orthodox faith set off through the streets of Bijelo Polje to the Church of St Nicolas the Wonderworker in Nikoljac. There protopresbyter Sinisa Jankovic addressed the congregation with the words of pastoral instructions reminding them of the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ that He had said to his Apostles and Disciples: ‘He who follows Me will not walk in darkness’ (Jn. 8,12)
Doctors of Pljevlje also in processions for protecting shrines
13. March 2020 - 11:03 A peaceful struggle of the people of Pljevlje to defend its shrines continued on March 12, 2020 in the streets of the town on Breznica.
In a great number like previous nights, the people of Pljevlje gathered at the church of Saint Petka, who after the prayer of supplication, in a procession showed once again that they don't give away their shrines and that they will continue fighting for them. His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Milesheva led the procession.
First week of the Great Lent in Australia
13. March 2020 - 10:00Upon the blessing of His Grace Bishop Siluan, on the first week of the Great Lent conciliar Great Lent services were served in the church of Great Martyr George in Cabramatta. In the first four days a great Vesper service with a Canon of Repentance of Saint Andrew of Crete.
Sunday of Orthodoxy in Canada
13. March 2020 - 9:49On Sunday of Orthodoxy, 8 March 2020, Their Graces Bishops Kirilo of Buenos Aires and South-Central America and Mitrophan of Canada celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Synaxis of All Serbian Saints in Mississauga, Ontario.
The same day at 6 pm in the Transfiguration of the Lord church a Vesper service was celebrated in the prayerful presence of Bishops Mitrophan, Kiril and George.