Metropolitan Jovan in Sisak

Metropolitan Jovan in Sisak

On the feast day of Saint Joanikije, the first Serbian Patriarch, on September 16, 2012 Metropolitan Jovan of Zagreb-Ljubljana served the Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Petka in Sisak.

The Metropolitan was served by protopresbyter-staurophors Petaj Olujic, Dusko Spasojevic, presbyters Dalibor Petkovic, Veselin Ristic parish priest and deacon Branimir Jokic.

2012 Diocesan Days held in Alhambra, California

2012 Diocesan Days held in Alhambra, California
2012 Diocesan Days held in Alhambra, California
2012 Diocesan Days held in Alhambra, California
2012 Diocesan Days held in Alhambra, California

The 2012 Diocesan Days of the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church were held  from Friday 31, August 2012 until Sunday, September 2, 2012 at St. Steven Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California. Besides the host Bishop Maxim, his guests Bishop Ignjatije of Branicevo, Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and Bishop Longin of New Gracanica-Midwestern America served and  participated at seminars as guest speakers.

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic visits Kursumlija

In an ancient Nemanjic's endowment the church of Saint Nikolas in Kursumlija, Bishop Jovan of Nis welcomed on September 15, 2012 the president of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Tomislav Nikolic. The Bishop greeted the president and wished a warm welcome to the Diocese of Nis and under the domes of the Saint Symeon's church, at the place where the statehood of Great Zupan and the ruler of Serbia Stephen Nemanja began, who is also known as Saint Symeon, the pious monk.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej meets with Foreigh Affairs Minister Ivan Mrkic

His Holiness Irinej received on last Friday, September 14, 2012 at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade Mr. Ivan Mrkic, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej serves in Ascension church

Serbian Patriarch Irinej serves in Ascension church
Serbian Patriarch Irinej serves in Ascension church
Serbian Patriarch Irinej serves in Ascension church
Serbian Patriarch Irinej serves in Ascension church

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served yesterday on September 16, 2012 the Divine Liturgy at the Ascension church in Belgrade.