Slava of Slanci Monastery
16. August 2012 - 11:11Celebration of the Transfer of the relics of Saint archdeacon Stephen - the slava of the monastery devoted to this hieromartyr in the village of Slanci near Belgrade, began with the feast day's vigil service on the eve of the holiday and its peak reached in the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy which was served, with the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, by Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno.
Slava of the Krusedol Monastery
16. August 2012 - 10:59In old, famous sanctity of Brankovic, in the Krusedol monastery, on Sunday August 12, 2012 on the feast day of Venerable Mother Angelina of Serbia with the presence of a great number of faithful people from all parts of our country, the monastery slava was prayerfully celebrated. The Divine Liturgy was served by Their Graces Bishops Lukijan of Osek-Polje, Hrizostom of Bihac-Petrovac and Vasilije of Srem with the concelebration of many priests, monks and deacons of the Diocese of Srem.
His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch in the United States
15. August 2012 - 9:33Seventieth anniversary of children’s camp
13. August 2012 - 10:18His Holiness Irinej attended the greatest jubilee in Libertyville. Yesterday, for the first time as the Patriarch, His Holiness served in New Gracanica.
On Saturday, August 11, 2012 on the 70th anniversary of Saint Sava Children’s Camp, at the Stauropegic monastery of Saint Sava in Libertyville, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch held the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops Longin of Nova Gracanica-Midwestern America and Peter of Clevelend, as well as many priests and deacons.
At the end of the Holy Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Longin warmly welcomed His Holiness with a cordial speech. Bishop Longin expressed the importance of the presence of His Holiness in this region, because, as the Patriarch, he is the symbol of the unity of the Serbian Church and the Serbian people.
Then His Holiness addressed the believers, with lots of fatherly love and care, expressing the importance of the monastery of Saint Sava, as the oldest Serbian spiritual centre on the American continent. Also he pointed out the special role that the monastery had for the preservation of the unity of the Serbian people in this country through history.