Palm Sunday at Lazarica

Palm Sunday at Lazarica
Palm Sunday at Lazarica
Palm Sunday at Lazarica
Palm Sunday at Lazarica
Palm Sunday at Lazarica
Palm Sunday at Lazarica
Palm Sunday at Lazarica
Palm Sunday at Lazarica

His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, vicar of Serbian Patriarch Irinej, served the Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Great Martyr Prince Lazar, on Zvezdara on Sunday, March 8, 2012 on the feast day of Palm Sunday. At the Holy service His Grace was concelebrated by head of the church archpriest Mirko Vidacak, protopresbyters-staurophors Dragoslav Stikic and Zarija Zaric and three deacons Vladislav Golic, Miroslav Nikolic and Ivica Cairovic.

News from Canada

News from Canada
News from Canada
News from Canada
News from Canada

Milton - On Wednesday of the fifth week of the Great Lent when our Church celebrates the memory of Holy Martyrs Saint Agapius and those suffered with him, His Grace Bishop Georgije of Canada served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts in the monastery church in Milton with the concelebration of local priests. The occasion of this liturgical gathering was a clergy confession of the Episcopal Deanery of East Canada.