Visit of officials to the Diocese of Srem and Theological Seminary in Sremski Karlovci

His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem and the Serbian Orthodox Seminary of Saint Arsenije in Sremski Karlovci were visited by Mr. Petar Petkovic,  Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija; and Mileta Radojevic, Ph.D., Adviser to the Minister of Education for religious teaching and education. on 9 March 2021.

In a cordial conversation, Bishop Vasilije informed the distinguished guests of activities and projects of the Diocese of Srem. У пријатном разговору епископ Василије је упознао уважене госте са активностима и пројектима Епархије сремске. A visit to the Karlovac seminary followed, where high guests were informed by archpriest Jovan Milanovic, the rector of the seminary, about the efforts of that famous Serbian theological school to continue its activities on enlightenment and education of young generations who will take the helm of the Serbian Church.

Graduates of the seminaries visited Nis

On Saturday, March 6, 2021, when the Church of God prayerfully celebrates the memory of the faithful who found peace in the arms of the ancestor Abraham - the Eucharist, the city where the Holy Emperor Constantine and the Diocese of Nis were born had the great joy to host professors and graduates of the seminaries of the Serbian Orthodox Church from Belgrade and Sremski Karlovci.

In the Cathedral church of the Diocese of Nis, protopresbyter-staurophor Branislav Cincarevic served the Holy Liturgy with the concelebration of deacons Nemanja Kalem and Radomir Vrucinic, Professor of Theology "St. Sava" in Belgrade, deacon Djordje Milidrag, Professor of Theology "St. Arsenije of Srem" in Sremski Karlovci, and a decon Predrag Piperski, an officer of the DSC of the Diocese of Nis. 

Bishop Ilarion officiated the gathering in Knjazevac

Bishop Ilarion officiated the gathering in Knjazevac
Bishop Ilarion officiated the gathering in Knjazevac
Bishop Ilarion officiated the gathering in Knjazevac
Bishop Ilarion officiated the gathering in Knjazevac

His Grace Bishop Ilarion of Timok served the Holy Hierarchal LIturgy in the church of Saint George in Knjazevac on 7 March 2021. The Bishop was concelebated by protosynchellos Zaharija (Mitic), archpriest Perica Bozunovic, presbyters Bogdan Tomic and Rados Mirkovic and archdeacon Ilija (Jovanovic).

Bishop Joanikije meets with Ambassador of France

His Grace Bishop Joanikije of Budimlje-Niksic and the Administrator of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral, met with recently appointed Ambassador of France to Montenegro Mr. Christian Thimonier at the premises of the Metropolitanate at the Cetinje Monastery on 8 March 2021. 

Bishop Maxim celebrates Liturgy and the memorial service to Bishop Atanasije in Tvrdos Monastery

Bishop Maxim celebrates Liturgy and the memorial service to Bishop Atanasije in Tvrdos Monastery
Bishop Maxim celebrates Liturgy and the memorial service to Bishop Atanasije in Tvrdos Monastery
Bishop Maxim celebrates Liturgy and the memorial service to Bishop Atanasije in Tvrdos Monastery
Bishop Maxim celebrates Liturgy and the memorial service to Bishop Atanasije in Tvrdos Monastery

On the day of the First and Second Finding of the Head of St. John the Baptist,His Grace Bishop Maxim of Western America served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Tvrdos Monastery with the concelebration and chanting of the monastery brotherhood and in the prayerful presence of Bishop Dimitrije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and abbot of the Tvrdos Monastery hieromonk Sava and the sistehood of the Monastery of Sts. Peter and Paul.