Ordination and elevation at akron parish
21. April 2010 - 10:59
His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Akron, Ohio on Sunday, April 18, 2010, the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women.
Serbian Orthodox Church vandalized with fascist graffiti in Sinj, Croatia
20. April 2010 - 14:31A Serbian Orthodox Church in Sinj, Croatia, has been vandalized with fascist graffiti, reports of Info service of Diocese of Dalmatia said.
The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Diocese of Dalmatia announced on Monday that the incident was meant to threaten and pressure Serbs there. The recently restored Church of St. Peter and Paul has been completely covered in hate graffiti directed against Serbs, that also glorified the WW2 puppet Nazi Independent State of Croatia (NDH), said the statement. "This act of unheard-of vandalism has been reported to the local police," said the diocese.
Source: Diocese of Dalmatia
Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Alex Manojlovic
20. April 2010 - 14:28
In recognition of his contribution to and for the love he has shown towards the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand has issued a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Alex Manojlovic, Managing Director of Sydney Hoist Rentals Pty Ltd.
Metropolitan Christopher Heads Paschal Celebration At Chicago Cathedral
15. April 2010 - 18:52
The glorious and salvific Resurrection of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ was joyously celebrated today at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois, with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan CHRISTOPHER of Libertyville-Chicago, with the concelebration of the Cathedral Clergy, while responses to the festive Liturgy were sung by the Branko Radichevich Choir.