Statement of appreciation of the Serbian Patriarch Porfirije
On the occasion of the magnificent celebration of the Ascension Day, the Patron Saint-day of the capital of Belgrade, His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch, in this way expresses its greatest gratitude to all Belgraders, especially to all participants in the magnificent procession, which gathered tens of thousands of Orthodox believers.
In the long history of the capital, the past celebration will be remembered as the most numerous prayerful and certainly one of the most dignified gatherings ever held on its streets and squares. Our people have once again expressed their loyalty and love for the Serbian Orthodox Church and their capital by participating in this exclusively prayerful celebration. The spiritual leader of all our Orthodox people especially thanks all the city services led by the Mayor Professor Dr. Zoran Radojicic and his associates, the Serbian Armed Forces, the Police, the media and everyone who contributed to this year's celebration of the Ascension of the Lord will remain in everyone's fondest memories.
Information service of the Serbian Orthodox Church