His Grace Bishop Maxim visits Denver and Colorado Springs parishes

His Grace Bishop Maxim visits Denver and Colorado Springs parishes
His Grace Bishop Maxim visits Denver and Colorado Springs parishes
His Grace Bishop Maxim visits Denver and Colorado Springs parishes
His Grace Bishop Maxim visits Denver and Colorado Springs parishes

On Saturday April 6, His Grace visited Colorado Springs, CO where Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the local OCA church. Faithful from across town gathered to welcome our hierarch.

Eastern Diocese Clergy Confession and Seminar in Philadelphia

Eastern Diocese Clergy Confession and Seminar in Philadelphia
Eastern Diocese Clergy Confession and Seminar in Philadelphia
Eastern Diocese Clergy Confession and Seminar in Philadelphia
Eastern Diocese Clergy Confession and Seminar in Philadelphia

From April 3 - 4, 2019 the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Philadelphia was honored with a blessing from His Grace, Bishop Irinej, to host (for the first time in the parish’s history) the annual Diocesan Clergy Confession and Seminar. Along with His Grace, Bishop Irinej, brethren clergy from throughout our Diocese and clergy from sister Orthodox churches, it was a particular pleasure to host our honored guest speaker - His Grace, Bishop John (Abdalah) of the Antiochean Orthodox Diocese of Worcester and New England.

Lenten Retreat in Steelton

The crisp, clear spring morning greeted the pilgrims pleasantly as they approached St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Steelton, PA.  The goal was to grow in Christ through education and prayer.  Father Christopher welcomed around 20 faithful from the Harrisburg area to a retreat entitled:  The Arena -The Battle of Great Lent.

The Patriarch visits the Serbs in Strpce

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, visited the Serbs in Strpce on Kosovo and Metochia on 15 April 2019.The Serbian Patriarch was welcomed in the church-courtyard by His Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren with the clergy and many faithful people of the Sirinic county.

“I am happy and grateful to God for being with you here today. Although I lived in Prizren for many years I am today for the first time here in your beautiful place, and I am delighted at seeing a lot of you. You are here on your own and should know that your Church, all of us, our people wherever they live have always been with you and always will be.

Be sure that you are not forgotten! Stay here, in your country, in your home, in your homeland”, the Patriarch said.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej on Kosovo and Metohija

His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Irinej arrived in the Pec Patriarchate on April 12, 2019.

His Holiness the Patriarch was welcomed by the Right Reverend Teodosije, Bishop of Raska and Prizren, and Monastery abbess Haritina with her sisterhood. The Patriarch will celebrate Liturgies in the Pec Patriarchate as well as in Visoki Decani and visit the renovated church in city of Pec and returnee villages and some Serb enclaves on Kosovo and Metohija.