10,000 march in Kiev for protection of rights of children and family

Several thousands came out in Kiev on Saturday to march for the protection of the rights of children and the family under the slogan “Happy Family—Healthy Ukraine!” According to various estimates, between 7,000 and 12,000 joined in the All-Ukrainian March, reports the Union of Orthodox Journalists. The event was held for the third year in a row at the initiative of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations. Processions have also been held in various other regions throughout Ukraine.

The procession was attended by the heads of various Ukrainian churches, who, together with the thousands of faithful, marched from Sofia Square to Constitution Square near the Verkhovna Rada parliament building.

The purpose of the march is to draw the attention of society and the authorities to the moral and spiritual bases of the family and marriage as a union of men and women, necessary for the harmonious upbringing and healthy development of children.

The mass of thousands passed through the center of the capital, chanting, “All together for the family!” The participants carried Ukrainian state flags, blue and yellow balloons, and posters reading, “Educational institutions are not for gender propaganda!” “Strong Family—Strong Ukraine,” and “Law for families—Ukraine for families.”

The marchers handed out informational flyers emphasizing the need to develop the state family policy with the purpose of uniting the efforts of the authorities and society to prepare the youth for family life and responsible parenthood, to solve the demographic crisis, promote adoption, and respond to the problems of abortion and domestic violence.

In April 2017, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health removed the “third gender” from the draft law “Declaration of Choice of Doctor for Primary Health Care.”

The Ukrainian parliament adopted Bill No. 5924, “On Preventing and Counteracting Domestic Violence,” in December. The law introduces additional steps to create measures and protective mechanisms to combat all forms of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, sexual harassment, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, forced sterilizations, and forced abortions.

According to the sociological research of the Razumkov Center, 98.6% of Ukrainians put the family in first place for priorities in life, and the family is of the greatest value among all social and personal benefits.

Source: Orthochristian.com