Appeal of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej
The disaster that has affected the territory of Serbia and of the countries in the region, incites us all to foster Christian compassion and brotherly, selfless aid.
We call upon all the professionals and all the people who are able and willing to help, to contact headquarters and representatives of state and local authorities in their places of residence and to make themselves available for the rescue of human lives and protection from floods.
We call upon clergy, the faithful and all the people of good will in Belgrade to begin collecting food, clothes, shoes and bedclothes in all the churches, starting from tomorrow morning. The aid will be collected as long as needed.
At the same time, We ask all the people of good will in the country and abroad to join in an organized manner and help in one’s own way in fighting against this distress that befell us unexpectedly.
Serbian Patriarch Irinej