Archbishop Hilarion visits Monastery of Dechani

On the third day of visit to the Diocese of Rashka and Prizren and Bishop Artemije His Grace Archbishop Hilarion visited along with his host the monastery of Dechani. The brotherhood of the monastery led by heugomen Teodosije, vicar of Bishop Artemije, formally welcomed his Hierarch and his high guest. The bishops did the reverence to the holy relics and the throne, the doxocology was served.

Archbishop Hilarion also learned about the history of the monastery, talked with the brotherhood and also had a tour of monastery's frescoes, while bishop Artemije went to monastery of Gorioch to serve a commemoration of a recently reposed nun Teodora.

After the lunch at the monastery of Dechani, the host and the guest continued their trip around Kosovo and Metohija. In the evening a presentation of the Serbian orthodox heritage  was organized for Archbishop Hilarion. Andrey Shugurov, the chief of the Russian office and Dimitris Moshopulos, the chief of the Greek office were invited to this presentation, which had been previously agreed with Archbishop Hilarion.

Source: Diocese of Rashka and Prizren