Bishop Marko of Bregalnica in the Holy Land

Bishop Marko of Bregalnica in the Holy Land
Bishop Marko of Bregalnica in the Holy Land
Bishop Marko of Bregalnica in the Holy Land
Bishop Marko of Bregalnica in the Holy Land

On the feast day of the Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, His Holiness Patriarch Teophile of Jerusalem served the Holy Liturgy in the church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem.

Besides His Grace Bishop Marko of Bregalnica, the Patriarch was concelebrated also by Teophanos of Gerason, Metropolitan George of Nizhny Novgorod, Metropolitan Aristarch of Constantina, Metropolitan Methodius of Tavor, Metropolitan Ioakim of Helenoupolis, Archbishop Demetrius of Vitepos, Bishop Basilios of Kotlag and many priests from almost all Local Orthodox Churches.

After the Liturgy there was a procession around the Tomb of the Lord.

On Lazarus' Saturday, His Holines Patriarch Teophile of Jerusalem and All Palestine officiated the Holy Liturgy in the monastery of Sts. Martha and Maria in Bethany. Many bishops and priests from local Orthodox Churches concelebrated.

Source: (translated by the Information Service of the SOC)